Suppose that you (as well as everyone else in this class) have the opportunity to choose two moral/ethical values or principles that will be used to guide and govern a
new society. Which two values/principles would you choose? Before answering this question, there’s a limitation that must be considered. Namely, everyone entering
this scenario has –zero– knowledge of where he/she will end up in society after his/her chosen values/principles are applied. You don’t know what your age, gender,
race, ethnicity, talents, job, nor physical/health/financial, etc., abilities or limitations will be. You also don’t know what your religious, moral, political, etc.,
beliefs/commitments will be. Any factor/characteristic that might give you (or anyone else) some insight into your (or his/her) future “lot” in this new social life
is completely unknown. Upon entering this scenario everyone is located within a situation of –equally perfect ignorance– in regards to precisely where he/she will
end up within this new society after the chosen values/principles are applied. Anyone might end up as a 50 year old Asian Catholic woman that happens to be a
billionaire with a completely devoted family that most everyone in society respects and loves. Or, one might end up as an impoverished 20 year old mixed race Buddhist
homosexual male that’s been sentenced to 40 years in prison for a crime that he did commit. Or, you might end up as a disabled 5 year old living with a single mom
that works a minimum wage job while pursuing a degree in nursing. Etc. Simply, upon entering this scenario none of us have a clue about what our social standing,
age, beliefs, familial conditions, etc., will be once our chosen values/principles are applied.
Given the above scenario, this week’s questions are:
1) Societal Must-Haves: Which two moral values/principles seem crucially important for this new society to be guided and governed by? Alternatively put, which two
moral values/principles –must– be promoted and protected by this new society? Your reasons?
2) Societal Can’t-Stands: Which two dis-values, beliefs, behaviors, things, etc., –must– this new society do it’s best to censor, discourage, eradicate, etc.? Your
3) Finally, would you choose a different set of societal must-haves or can’t-stands if a further limit was added? Namely, suppose that you had to offer two moral
values/principles that everyone in this class would likely agree with. Would you choose something different than defended in (1) & (2)? Your reasons?
Moral/ethical values
The commitment to community doesn’t arise out of nowhere. It comes from and is guided by values and principles that spring from our backgrounds and cultures, from our experiences, and from our conscious decisions about what is right. The most important moral values/principles include respect and fairness. Everyone is worthy of respect and equal consideration. Treating people with respect and consideration doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with them. Rather it means that you should approach them as equals who think they are right, rather than labeling or treating them as evil or stupid. Fairness doesn’t mean that everyone gets the same thing, it means that everyone gets what they need. This implies that equity involves making sure that those with less have enough for their needs, and aren’t ignored or exploited by those with more money or power. These values and principles shape our vision of the world as it should be, and motivate us to try make it so.
This task contain all the impotent measurements and calculation in porosity by using Boyle’s law (appendix, 1), also exporting the data in excel sheet to determine the capacity of core to hold fluids, and analyze the graphs with different behaviors (figure 1, appendix 2). Besides that, I also get a chance to use the VINCI device (figure 2) which is used for unsteady state process to get knowledge in how to determine several parameters in more accurate way such as porosity, permeability, pore volume, and bulk volume by sitting the pressure
Moreover, the instrument calculate the pore volume and porosity by using the ideal gas law, also the pressure applied to the core is generated by high accurate hydraulic pump.
Nevertheless, in the same week I worked using DGP device (figure 3) which is specific for permeability measurement. The main factor of permeability is Darcy law (appendix 1), the important parameters of lectures are presented in white bored without any other materials which could help the person to understand in better way. I have found during the lecture that some workers found difficulties in understanding the main idea of the topic.
In my point of view, the lectures could be presented in an interesting way if the presenter use some other materials behind white bored for example pictures, power point, graphs, and videos related to the topics.
5.3 Radiation test of CT scan
Radiation test of CT scan is performed to determine the amount of radioactive waves emitted from CT scan. This test is an essential for all the workers inside the laboratory due to the harmful emitted waves.
The test done by the lab engineer using a special device that measures the emission of radiation waves.
I have noted during the test that some works do not have enough idea about the risks of radiation waves and they do not wear a special lab costume that prevent them.
My own feeling on the subject is that there should be some rules and actions taken by the responsible person in order to maintain the safety of employees also educate the staffs about the risks of radiation waves.
5.4 Oil spill
The department safety manager performed a task of Oil spill, the oil was spilled on the ground without informing any of the workers in order to test the ability of employees in dealing with various safety situations.What’s more, the manager discus around the safety issues as well as the accidents that can be cussed by oil spill and the correct way of how to deal with similar situations in future.
The task was completed in a useful way and improve the workers knowledge about safety in the work place.
In contrast, while running the task the safety equipment was not found in the proper place also some workers do not have a complete idea of using the equipment.
In my opinion, the department should assign some workers to check the safety gear monthly also place it in its proper p
In summery the six weeks of internship program has been an interesting experience in Weatherford labs. The training program is mainly to enable the students to apply all the theatrical and practical knowledge in real world to meet the industrial needs.
Being in different sections throughout the internship program with multi tasks assigned to the trainee for different purposes is help the trainee to improve all the soft and hard skills as well as gaining new experience and knowledge in various tasks that are related to trainee studies or in other fields that are semi related.
Moreover, this internship program also include several activities in safety which was a great opportunity to learn different safety situations in the work place and the suitable way to deal with.
All in all, this internship program increase my theoretical as well as practical knowledge in several topics related to my studies which be helpful to me in future works
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