Most medical specialty groups historically have relied on primary care physician practices


Most medical specialty groups historically have relied on primary care physician practices for referrals. At a recent society meeting, the senior partner returned with a renewed perspective in terms of looking at the customer base of referrers. “We need to develop relationships with these practices rather than view them as individual transactions when they send us a patient.” How might this perspective shift the strategy of the group?


Sample Solution

eople that were Jewish or helped hide Jews were put in concentration camps and were forced to do labor like cooking, making tools, making clothing, and various other tasks. Then they were assigned barracks which, is where you sleep. Some camps were like regular summer camps, with a school, and just a single wire fence. But other concentration camps had maximum security, and were a lot more strict as in what you can and can’t do. If I were at one of these camps I would escape at night so no one could see me, then send my parents a letter and hope they didn’t get killed if the Germans found out I escaped.

Anne’s life in Hiding

Anne frank was hiding with her family, the Van Daan’s, and Mr. Dussel or Dr. Dussel for a little over two years. Who could be in hiding for that long?

Anne Frank lived with Mr. Frank. Anne loved Otto more than anyone else and thought no one loved her but him. Her mother Edith who tried to be there for Anne but always got turned away. Her sister Margot who was little Miss perfect in Anne’s eye’s. She also lived with Mr. Van Daan who was always crabby without his cigarettes. Anne also lived with Mrs .Van daan who would give Anne bad advice about being a lady but really I wouldn’t listen to it. And Peter who was a good friend to talk to when things got tough. They lived together for two years.

The conditions of Anne Frank’s hiding place were just awful. Imagine 7 people using a toilet and not flushing it for 11 hours. Anne also couldn’t talk to friend in fear of getting caught. They also couldn’t move for almost 12 hours at a time. I have ADHD so I could definitely not do that. They also had to burn scraps in a oven so that there was no evidence of them hiding up in the attic for that amount of time. The conditions were harsh. Would you want to live like that?

Arrest of Anne Frank’s Family

The arrest of Anne Frank’s family was devastating to them. Also to the Van Daan’s and to Mr.Dussel. It was also a big find for the Nazi’s. To find 7 people is very good. If you were looking for money 7 dollars would be a good find.

Life in concentration camps was tough in some you were watched 24/7 and could not talk to any other prisoners. Where in others they had schools and it was just like summer camps just with wired fences and hallway formations. Kind of like summer camp at Camden. You would eat when they tell you but you had a little of free time and not so much security. I could probably go and do ok at one of those types of camps.

Death and Survivors

Most Jews died do to the gas chambers or of diseases. But there were also a lot of survivors. In the next section see who survives and who didn’t.

Anne Frank ended up dying with her sister Margot and her mother Edith. Also Mr. and Mrs.

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