Multiple organ dysfunction syndromes (MODS)


Multiple organ dysfunction syndromes (MODS) or multiorgan system failure, commonly associated with critical illness, is defined by the coexisting presence of physiologic dysfunction and/or failure of two or more organs (Kress & Hall, 2018). Based on the authors, this syndrome emerges in the setting of severe sepsis, in any type of shock, severe inflammatory disorders such as pancreatitis, and trauma.

Recently at work, we cared for an 83y/o male patient who presented in the ED with GI bleed due to a perforated gastric ulcer. Patient has a history of DVT on Eliquis, HTN, and ETOH abuse. Patient had laparotomy and Graham Omental Patch, and extensive abdominal lavage. The patient remained intubated after the surgery and extubated after several days. After a few days, patient spiked a fever, and further lab findings include elevated Lactic acid, leukocytosis, and elevated Procalcitonin. CT Chest and abdomen/pelvis were ordered. Reports came back with pneumonia and a gastric leak. Patient was treated with IV antibiotics, and the surgeon performed another laparotomy and a repair of the omentum. Patient came back to ICU extubated from surgery. In the early morning after surgery, the patient became obtunded, hypotensive, tachycardic, developed acidemia, was eventually intubated, and was started on pressors and sodium bicarb drip. Also, the patient was found to be in acute kidney failure; a nephrology consult was called and recommended dialysis. Unfortunately, the patient did not survive because of MODS caused by septic shock.

The differential diagnoses for this patient’s case fall in low-output shock states, including hypovolemic shock, cardiogenic shock, and obstructive shock. Based on Neviere (2022), as the severity of shock worsens (e.g., cool skin and cyanosis), organ dysfunction develops (e.g., oliguria, acute kidney injury, altered mental status). Notably, the presentation is nonspecific, such that many other conditions (e.g., acute respiratory distress syndrome) may present similarly. Thus, according to Felner & Smith (2017), the management of severe sepsis and septic shock requires a structured process that ensures proper diagnostic evaluation and the implementation of evidence-based interventions expediently to improve outcomes. This approach requires (1) empiric antibiotic coverage of an infectious source while cultures are pending, (2) optimal fluid resuscitation, (3) pressor and/or inotrope treatment for specific patients, and (4) review of additional treatments such as drainage of abscesses, removal of lines, moderate (but not intensive) control of hyperglycemia (as required), and (5) consideration of steroids in specific patient subsets when indicated.

In general, the greater the number of organ failures, the higher the mortality, with the most significant risk being associated with respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation (Neviere, 2022).


Felner, K. & Smith, R.L. (2017). Sepsis and shock. In McKean, S.C., Ross, J.J. Dressler, D.D. & Scheurer, D.B. (Eds.). Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine (2nd ed., Chap. 141, pp. 1121-1122). McGraw-Hill Education.

Kress, J.P. & Hall, J.B. (2018). Approach to the patient with critical illness. In Jameson, J.L., Kasper, D.L., Longo, D.L., Fauci, A.S., Hauser, S.L. & Loscalzo, J. (Eds). Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (20th Ed, Vol.2, Part 2, Chap. 293, p. 2027). McGraw-Hill Education.

Neviere, R. (March 07, 2022). Sepsis syndromes in adults: Epidemiology, definitions, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and prognosis. UpToDate.


Sample Solution

While a set of frameworks complement and build on each other, the delineation of the concept focuses heavily on vertical versus horizontal dimensions in a time-sliced fashion. That is, time dimension in accountability has not been of primary importance. However, it is worth noting that the time dimension is closely interrelated with a series of conceptual distinctions made in previous literature, and it may cover complementary aspects of the question concerning two sequential lines represented by administrative responsibility versus political accountability. First, the positioning of accountability actors depends on the time dimension. Civil servants usually have longer terms to serve the public interest over the long term. At the same time, they are responsible to the elected representatives of the public who tend to have “a limited time horizon” and “prefer policies that yield tangible benefits for constituents in the near term” (Posner, 2004: 137). For this reason, the priorities expressed by elected officials may be far more related to short-term issues and temporal problems instead of long-term solutions, whereas the long-lasting forms of civil service personnel would prioritize sustainable solutions to secure a long-term perspective of the citizens, both current and in the future. Second, the time frame is essential to distinguishing between two main streams of accountability. Accountability mechanisms focus predominantly on retroactive accountability for the past outcomes, while accountability as a virtue takes a proactive approach to ensuring ethical behaviors in the future. The timeline is also useful to distinguishing between ex ante accountability of the decision-making process leading up to the decision and ex post accountability where the results available from the decision already taken or where questions of compliance are identified and addressed. In other words, ex ante accountability refers to being accountable for the decision before an administrator act, while ex post accountability is suggestive of situations where administrators are accountable for the outcome of their decisions. For example, the focus of traditional bureaucratic administration is very much

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