Music Appreciation


Most important: Bring out your inner 5-year-old and have a good time!

This project is two-fold times two-fold.
1) Choose one piece of current music that you have a connection with. Country, Rock, Rap, Contemporary Christian, Jazz, Indy Pop, Hymn, etc.….
a) Research History of Piece and artist (or composer)
b) Research Inspiration or Reasoning behind the composing of the piece.
c) Research style, form, genre. The kind of things you have learned in class.
d) Why did you choose this piece?
1) Was the effect emotional, the lyrics or Poetry, story relating to inspiration of composing?
2) Like or dislike? Why? You might choose a piece that has a negative effect instead of positive.
3) Describe the highs and lows of the piece that effect you the most by using terms learned in class describing things like instrumentation, timbre, dynamics, tempo, or tempo changes, etc.…
e) Write on a PDF using all of the proper writing skills, formatting, spelling, sentence structure, etc.…
f) Include a properly cited Bibliography of research sources.

2) Choose one piece that you have a connection with that was written prior to 1900. You will have to go to youtube and do some listening on various composers and genres. You may use the composers that we have talked about in class but not any of the compositions we have talked about. No Repeats. I don’t want my words to come back to me. I want to learn your thoughts and opinions. It can be an art song, one number or movement from a cantata, oratorio, opera, symphony, symphonic tone poem, program symphony, character piece, string quartet from either the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, or Impressionist Periods. Vocal, Orchestral, Piano, Instrumental solos. Your choice.

a) Answer and research the same requirements that are listed for #1 above.

3) Make two videos:
a) One with the soundtrack of #1
b) One with the soundtrack of #2.
c) Each video #1 and #2, must contain lyrics if it is pertinent, and presented in a variety of ways as seen on the powtoon. Animated, Fun and Kooky, Historical, etc…. Your choice. ( I have listed below)
• Check powtoon free, animaker, moovly, kahoots, etc. for ideas and inspiration.
• Make sure you follow plagiarism rules. Put into your own words, include bibliography with cited sources.




Sample Solution

opular pressure was initially applied after 1815 when reform clubs proliferated and labouring families attended gigantic reform meetings. This popular pressure increased at certain times so that changes came rapidly after a slow build-up of pressure. Politicians might try to unite different groups or split their opponents using parliamentary reform issues when opportunities or crises developed to reduce popular pressure. They did this in order to support groups that liked their ideas and to reduce the influence of the opposition groups. The two were important in gaining both reform acts however popular pressure seems more important than political manoeuvring. While popular pressure declined with greater prosperity in the mid-1820s, it had intensified again by 1830 when the poor harvest of 1829 increased food prices and unemployment apparently rose; reform petitions then gained unprecedented numbers of signatures. Furthermore, pressure for reform became most intense once a Whig government had introduced a parliamentary reform bill (a proposal for a law), but it had built up previously and was not just a response to initiatives from leading politicians.On the other hand politicians manoeuvred with and against each other as shown with the disintegration of the Tory leadership who supported the old system in the late 1820s. There was a strong religious side to Tory politics. This already seems decisive and would lead to great political change. The Tory party, which had provided the main resistance to reform, was crumbling as Wellington upset both moderates and extremists in the party. Lacking adequate support by the end of 1830, he had to resign and was replaced by the Whig leader, Lord Grey, who formed a government from not only the Whigs but also from radicals, moderate Tories and ultras. This was a very important cause of the 1st Reform Act. The extent of the pressure and circumstances changed rapidly about 1830 however popular pressure was more important.

One such source taken from the times newspaper in May 1832 wrote an article documenting the day of the reform act. The article describes a mass amount of people in attendance stating their “must have been upwards of 200,000 present”. This article tries to emphasis the sheer amount of public support and even goes on to add “in a short time the numbers were still further increased by

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