a Discuss solution-focused brief therapy. Describe key concepts and specific interventions including the use of the miracle question.
b. Discuss narrative therapy. Describe key concepts and specific interventions.
c. Discuss strengths and limitations of SFBT and Narrative therapy
Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a goal-oriented approach that focuses on assisting individuals in developing and utilizing their personal strengths to reach positive outcomes. This form of counseling works by helping clients develop solutions to their current problems, rather than analyzing the source of these issues (O’Hanlon & Weiner-Davis, 1989). SFBT begins by identifying the desired goals which allows both client and therapist to focus on the present instead of dwelling in the past. During this process, it is important for therapists to utilize particular strategies such as ‘Miracle Question ’ which can help guide future sessions .
This technique involves asking open–ended questions about how life would be different if the problem had not existed (Cade & O’Connell, 2005). By doing so, it encourages clients to think outside traditional boundaries while also allowing them to consider various possibilities without being restricted by current limitations. Additionally, SFBT utilizes other intervention methods like scaling or exception seeking which can provide further insight into potential solutions – allowing clients to make changes instead of just talking about them(De Shazer et al., 2012 ).
In conclusion, solution–focused brief therapy places emphasis on helping participants identify achievable goals while also providing tools they need to work towards finding suitable resolutions. Techniques such as miracle question or scaling can be employed in order to deepen understanding within sessions thereby making it easier for clients to make lasting changes in their lives.
Strengths of SFBT
• SFBT focuses on solutions rather than dwelling on a person’s past. This allows clients to look towards the future, and encourages them to be more proactive in finding the resources needed for personal growth.
• SFBT is very structured and goal-oriented, which gives clients a sense of direction and momentum. This structure can help clients stay focused on their goals and avoid getting sidetracked or discouraged by irrelevant issues.
• SFBT typically involves short-term therapy sessions that last 10–20 weeks, which reduces costs associated with long-term therapy programs.
Limitations of SFBT
• because it is such a structured approach, some therapists find it too rigid or formulaic. As a result, they may not be able to provide the necessary level of support or flexibility that some people need in order to achieve their goals.
Conservative Alliance. On October 29, 2015, Stephanie Schriock of The Slope, guarantees the Casual get-together has proactively been “fixing the legislative guide with safe conservative regions,” getting seats they typically wouldn’t get an opportunity at winning. This pattern could extend across ideological group limits as “floor crossing” and between party alliances shaped to create specific political race results.
At last, the drawn out ramifications of applying Brazilian appointive approaches to the US could demonstrate deplorable. With a generally debilitating party framework, the possibilities of agreement and pay off will rise dramatically. Moreover, as the US keeps on encountering a shrinking working class, there would be cause for more prominent social uprisings. Adding into the class structure evaluation, “class structures have become undeniably more spellbound in cutting edge entrepreneur nations,” (Bastos, 153), and with implausible portrayal all in all, the polarization would keep on deteriorating.
Presently the issue with this speculative situation is only that, it is theoretical. The different ramifications that have been expressed lead one down an elusive slant that breeds negativity and dismisses the chance of a positive result. To the extent that any political specialist can perceive, a corresponding framework might just be the response to fix the US polarization, taking into consideration better portrayal of regions, for example, the “neglected” moderate Rust Belt, the frank liberal West Coast, and the blended moderate/moderate East Coast. Thus, while dissecting what is happening, for example, this, it critical to observe that there basically isn’t sufficient proof to help which type of a majority rules system will be more useful than another. There are many variables that become possibly the most important factor including society, ongoing political and social history, and eagerness to change to give some examples. In help, that’s what niel Franzese considers “an absence of definitive examinations with discoveries subverting the open essential framework is reason to the point of allowing the proposed new framework an opportunity,” (Franzese, 274).
While we might in all likelihood can’t be sure whether open-list relative portrayal would be helpful for the US world of politics, what we in all actuality do know is clear. Right now, the open-list PR is creating some issues inside Brazil’s administration and is bringing about friendly exhibits against the public authority. This has been more than featured by the reprimand of their leader Dilma Rousseff, whose political circumstance likewise reveals insight into what president-elect Trump might look soon. Furthermore, socio-political turm