National and international system


Step 1: Search the internet and locate the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and National Health Service (NHS) websites.

Step 2: Find the mission statement for each agency.

Step 3: Read the information on both websites, and take notes about what you think the role of each agency is in health care delivery and evidence-based practice.

Step 4: Compare and contrast the mission and roles of each agency, and list how they are alike and how they are different in a grid or table.

Using the information located in your search, respond to the critical thinking questions. Each response should be original (in your own words) and a minimum of 23 sentences in length.

Critical Thinking Questions
What keywords did you use to locate AHRQ and NHS?
In what ways were the mission statements of AHRQ and NHS similar and different?
What system, if any, takes a more active role in influencing the health and safety of its population?
How is healthcare paid for in each system?
How does evidence-based practice influence healthcare polic

Sample Solution

Research and Analysis of AHRQ and NHS

Step 1: Locating AHRQ and NHS

  • AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • NHS: National Health Service

Step 2: Mission Statements

  • AHRQ: “To produce evidence that improves the quality of healthcare for all Americans.”
  • NHS: “To provide excellent healthcare for everyone, whenever they need it.”

Step 3: Roles in Healthcare Delivery and Evidence-Based Practice


  • Research and Evidence: AHRQ is primarily focused on conducting and disseminating research to improve healthcare quality, safety, and efficiency.
  • Policy Development: AHRQ provides evidence-based recommendations to inform healthcare policy decisions.
  • Health Information Technology: AHRQ supports the adoption and use of health information technology to improve patient outcomes.


  • Universal Healthcare: The NHS is a publicly funded healthcare system that provides universal healthcare coverage to all residents of the United Kingdom.
  • Service Delivery: The NHS delivers a wide range of healthcare services, including primary care, secondary care, and tertiary care.
  • Quality Improvement: The NHS is committed to improving the quality and safety of healthcare services.

Comparison of AHRQ and NHS

Feature AHRQ NHS
Mission Research and evidence-based policy Universal healthcare coverage
Role Research and support Service delivery and quality improvement
Focus Evidence-based practice Accessible and equitable healthcare

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Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Keywords: I used the following keywords to locate AHRQ and NHS: “healthcare research agency,” “National Health Service,” and “US government health agency.”
  2. Similarities and Differences: Both AHRQ and NHS are dedicated to improving healthcare quality and outcomes. However, AHRQ has a more specific focus on research and evidence-based policy, while the NHS is a provider of healthcare services.
  3. Active Role in Influencing Health and Safety: Both organizations play a significant role in influencing health and safety. AHRQ does so by providing evidence-based recommendations, while the NHS directly delivers healthcare services and sets standards for quality and safety.
  4. Healthcare Financing: AHRQ is a government agency funded by the U.S. government, while the NHS is a publicly funded system financed primarily through taxes.
  5. Evidence-Based Practice: Both organizations prioritize evidence-based practice in their work. AHRQ conducts and disseminates research to inform healthcare decisions, while the NHS uses evidence-based guidelines to inform clinical practice.


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