National Defense Strategy

Pick a region based on page 4 of the National Security Strategy. Write a post focusing on How Four of the Defense Objectives are being implemented today. Post most be 100-150 words.

Sample Solution

National Defense Strategy

The objective of national security strategy is to create a stable situation for the world, including those countries struggling with insurgencies. The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military needed to protect the security of the country and its headquarters is at the Pentagon. The department of defense is America’s oldest and largest government agency. With the military tracing its roots back to Pre-Revolutionary times, the department of defense has grown and evolved with the nation. The national security depends on the defense installations and facilities being in the right place, at the right time, with the right qualities and capacities to protect the national resources, which are important as America fights terrorists who plan and carry attacks on American facilities and people. Military service members operate in every zone and in every climate.

information stored in the mind, breaking concentration and burdening the working memory.
Skimming has become another way of trying to obtain knowledge. Author Nicholas Carr states, “We’ve always skimmed newspapers more than we’ve read them, and we routinely run our eyes over books and magazines to get the gist of a piece of writing and decide whether it warrants more thorough reading.”Skimming does not allow the brain to receive all the details from a text, only the main portions. The brain needs to read an entire text to actually receive complete knowledge and encode the information into long-term memory. In conclusion, due to excessive skimming people are less likely to remember what they read.
When memorizing facts, there are too many to remember. Thus, the focus is not on trying to understand all the facts but trying to remember them all. When multiple memories come to mind at once, they immediately lock into a fierce competition with each other. Memories then fight to be remembered more than the other. “When these memories are tightly competing for our attention the brain steps in and actually modifies those memories,” says Jarrod Lewis-Peacock, a neuroscientist at UT Austin. Once the brain crowns the winner and loser the memory that wins is then strengthens and the loser is weakened and then eventually forgotten about.
Many equate ‘to know’ with ‘to understand’. However, ‘knowing’ something is not the same as ‘understanding’ something. In the allegory of the cave, the prisoners watch the stories that shadows play out, and because the shadows were all they ever got to see, they believed them to be the most real things in the world. But, because they’ve never experienced anything other than the shadows they did not understand that the shadows were just figures of what was really there. Not having an understanding of the outside world caused many difficulties in their society, leading to death.
Many also believe that having access to more information produces more knowledge, which will result in more wisdom. In the essay “Wisdom in the Age of Information and the Importance of Storytelling in Making Sense of the World” Maria Popova states, “We believe that having access to more information produces more knowledge, which results in more wisdom. But, if anything, the opposite is true — more and more information without the proper context and interpretation only muddles our understanding of the world rather than enriching it.” For example, many people get upset at the sight of others staring at their phones or taking pictures, it is from a lack of understanding that technology feeds our primitive desires like connection and belonging.
In all, gaining knowledge should be based on not just memorizing facts. Gaining knowledge should be based on desire, and wanting to learn. One must understand that the brain cannot secure information by just quickly reading over something without understanding what it going on throughout the text.

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