Naturalistic observation



A setting where naturalistic observation would be fruitful is on prison populations. Aside from the subjects being in confinement, it is not always possible to take an inmate to a lab. Unique personalities are often found in prisons, you aren’t going to see those same traits in a lab setting, there also may be a safety concern of the researchers if they are studying violent offenders. The researchers want to minimize chances of getting attacked, so keeping their distance would be a wise idea. By studying offenders in a naturalistic setting, you are going to be able to see how their aggressive personality manifests when they are among other inmates. While it may not always involve violence, you might be able to see how dominant someone with violent tendencies is, or whether they are dominant at all. It can be a core feature of naturalistic observational studies to go unnoticed so as not to influence the behaviors of the subjects, you would easily be able to get observations from a far when you are in a prison setting (Hansen & Myers, 2012).

Another type of setting that a naturalistic study would be useful in would be mental hospitals. This would allow you to study the social skills of those affected by mental illness, you would be able to see how someone’s mental disorder affects their day to day interactions with other patients. The data that is gathered can then be brought to the head psychiatrist to address whether treatments prescribed to the patient is having any effect. By doing this a discussion can be had whether or not the treatment is working or not, this data will help with gaining insights on whether a medication needs to be changed or a dosage adjusted. Drugs that are used to treat mental illness can have side effects that are undesirable, a naturalistic observational study will help determine if those side effects are problematic for the patient or not. Some side effects can be easily ignored but other side effects can hinder the patient’s ability to function. In the case of the latter, insight is needed so a remedy for those side effects can be discussed among the staff of the hospital.


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uty Head, Office and Site Managers report to the Associate Head who reports to the Executive Head. The Office and Site Mangers carry out most of procurement, financial and facilities management tasks. The Associate and Deputy Head manage HR and Marketing whilst overseeing the school budget. There is a strong need for a SBM in our school so he/she can manage the additional responsibilities the heads and deputy have undertaken, to ensure their time is dedicated to high standard of teaching and learning, not dealing with certain staff issues or the day-to-day budget, this will also enable more productivity from all resources through better management, a SBM would play an important strategic role in implementing best value by making the most of school resources in the most sustainable and environmentally friendly manner, so more is available for the school’s core activities. 1.4 Own Professional role and relationship with staff and SLT: My school works very closely with both stakeholders internal and external, acknowledges and actively monitors the concerns raised and takes their interests appropriately into account in decision-making however, from a business point of view I believe our external stakeholder group are more influential as some like the governors determine the schools budget, staffing structure and when required appoint Headteachers. LA monitors the performance of maintained schools in its area and ensures all improvement necessary, is carried out effectively and expeditiously. My role consists of daily involvement with our internal stakeholders, I believe stakeholder engagement is vital to the success and improvement in a school, I issue weekly newsletters to parents with school activity updates, arrange weekly staff meetings and assemblies for pupils, this is to ensure internal stakeholders are kept informed and the school is securing the community’s obdurate support. “Community-engagement strategies are also widely considered central to successful school improvement by many individuals and organizations that work with public schools” (Great School Partnership, 2014:1) As an admin officer reporting to the office manager, my role consists of: undertaking all office administration including weekly HR returns. As a recent member of the admin team I have developed exceptional working relationships with my colleagues and leadership team. My work experience and corporate background allows me to conduct myself in a professional manner and create a cohesive working environment. As an aspiring SBM and referring to the NASBM framework, I believe I obtain the required skillset to become a SBM. In my previous role as HR Supervisor I developed my personal skills to provide direction and facilitated change in the work place, I supervised staff and monitored their progress. I have acquired transferable skills in relation to process, systems and procedures. I currently fall in tier 1 on the NASBM Professional Standards disciplines, but believe with my previous experience can also fall in tier 2 in the HR and Marketing area, I am certain by completing this course I will develop my skills further in areas such as Finance and Infrastructure. Part 2 – Establishing your professional needs 2.1: Review own personal skills and characteristics as a learner My dominating style of learning is reflective; Learning style diagnostic supported this, reflective practice has increased my self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence, it also help

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