1)While acknowledging that both nature and nurture play a role in determining human behavior, which one do you think has more of an influence? Present the best evidence that you can to support one position or the other, using information from observations and experience.Be sure to substantiate your answer with facts and examples.
2)Discussion Three
Discuss a specific subculture to which you belong. What is it and why is it a subculture? Describe the social structures of the subculture. Is it analagous to, or different from, the dominant social structure of American society? Be sure to substantiate your dicussion with facts and examples.
Unquestionably the Catholic church can approve their comprehension of the Eucharist through missional and postapostolic compositions anyway Reformed conventions and Pentecostals would challenge their philosophical elucidation as perusing past the content of Luke-Acts and the Pauline articulations of fellowship.
Dodd features that the exacting perusing of "this is my body" is an insertion of cultic practices and articulations so as to transmit the criticalness of the recognition of the dinner. The hazardous expressions of Luke, recognition and agreement, must be perused a verifiable socio and strict crystal of Greco-Roman and Palestinian situations. These words would have evoked pictures that held hallowed centrality for the two Jews and Gentiles. Luke's purposeful use of the word anamnesis was to trigger a convincing eschatological concentration to the dinner. He further includes that Luke explicitly picked provocative words, to implement a "constant interaction among conduct and jargon… to emulate, urge so as to build up a powerful eschatological idea of the time". Scholars and Philosophers like Tertullian and Epiricius distinguish the agnostic bread contributions at the sanctuary of Mithra and other cultic rehearses that were held in celebration for the dead.
While postapostolic and customary sources may give weight for religious seeing today, it is replaced by the cultic etiology from other agnostic 'conciliatory suppers' that were available among the Gentiles.
Pentecostals dismiss the regulation encompassing transubstantiation and adjust it to the chronicled development of superstition, mystery and supernatural quality of society in the tenth century. While Catholicism sees the foundation of the Eucharist is an interminable penance of the cross all through the ages, Pentecostals see the New Covenant exclusively in relationship to Jesus' demise on the cross and guarantee of the overflowing of the Spirit. Köstenberger features that Catholicism has overlooked that all through the Hebraic sacred texts when agreements were sliced they were constantly auxiliary to the vow and hence a bloodless penance isn't essential as it was at that point accomplished through the cross.
Twin studies as an active research area of developmental psychology and medicine, discusses the extent to which genetics and learned characteristics influence personality. These studies are particularly valuable as the unique connection of study subjects provides researchers with a common baseline for investigating genetic and environmental influences on health and psychological wellbeing. According to twin researcher Nancy L. Segal, author of Born Together – Reared Apart monozygotic twins share upwards of 70% of intellectual characteristics. Similar findings by Bouchard (2013) suggest that heredity accounts for 20% -80% of traits. Specifically, twin study research attribute 20%-40% of proclivities namely phobias and depression to hereditary factors. On the big 5 personality traits, twin research assigns hereditary attributions of 40%-60%. Expectedly, influence of heredity on intelligence was reported to be75%.