Needs of Person with Mental Health Illness


Include the following information in your post concerning the vulnerable population you selected. (I selected “person with mental health illness”)

What specific health conditions disproportionately affect the selected population?

What could be barriers to accessing quality health care for the population?

What ethical and cultural issues would need to be addressed in caring for the population?

Support your posts with scholarly article(s) or reputable websites.

Sample Solution

People with mental health illnesses are a vulnerable population in the United States, as they face significant health disparities and unequal access to care. Mental health conditions that disproportionately affect this population include mood disorders (e.g., depression and bipolar disorder), anxiety disorders (e.g., panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social phobia), psychotic disorders (e.g., schizophrenia or schizo affective disorder), substance abuse/addiction, eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder) and dual diagnosis/co-occuring disorders (mental illness combined with substance use).

Barriers to accessing quality healthcare for this population can include financial constraints due to lack of insurance coverage or limited income; transportation limitations; cultural stigma related to mental illness; geographic isolation; language barriers; inadequate training by healthcare providers leading to misdiagnosis or mistreatment of patients; underlying physical illnesses that may be masking symptoms of mental illness; difficulty identifying available resources such as support groups or advocacy organizations; safety concerns due to violence in certain neighborhoods or communities; lack of understanding of the patient’s condition within their own family and community networks which could lead to rejection or misunderstanding from those closest them(Stein et al., 2019).

In addition, many individuals living with a mental health condition do not seek help because they fear being judged negatively by others. They may also struggle to find qualified healthcare professionals who specialize in treating the specific type of mental illness they have encountered (LaBrie et al., 2015). Furthermore, some people may feel uncomfortable talking openly about their mental health issues out of fear they will be labeled as “crazy” or weak if they do so(Lapsley & Milbourne 2020). These types of attitudes can prevent people from seeking vital treatment for their condition and leaving them feeling isolated from society at large.

The gaps in access outlined above highlight just how deeply rooted structural inequalities are when it comes to providing quality care for those living with a mental illness. It is critical that public policy makers create legislation that addresses these disparities so all individuals have equal access regardless of their race, gender identity/expression status etc.(Wehby et al., 2013). The Affordable Care Act has provided more equitable coverage for those dealing with pre-existing conditions including various forms of behavioral health challenges(Unger & Sommers 2017); however, further steps must be taken towards creating an environment where everyone has equal opportunities for treatment without fear discrimination based on socio-economic status or other characteristics beyond one’s control.

t all the more significantly, “the sovereign” where he has “the regular request” as per Augustine, and all authority is given to him. This is additionally upheld by Aristotle’s Politics ((1996), Page 28): ‘a lord is the regular predominant of his subjects.’ However, he truly does later underline to place all confidence in the ruler is off-base and has results; an exhaustive assessment of the reason for war is expected alongside the eagerness to arrange rival party (Begby et al (2006b), Page 312& 318). This is upheld by the activities of Hitler are considered treacherously. Additionally, in this day and age, wars are not generally battled simply by states yet in addition non-state entertainers like Al-Queda and ISIS, showing Vittola’s regularizing guarantee on power is obsolete. This is additionally upheld by Frowe’s case that the pioneer needs to address individuals’ inclinations, under real power, which joins on to the fourth condition: Public statement of war. Concurred with many, there should be an authority declaration on a statement of war (Frowe (2011), Page 59-60&63). At last, the most disputable condition is that wars ought to have a sensible likelihood of coming out on top. As Vittola emphasized, the point of war is to lay out harmony and security; getting the public great. In the event that this can’t be accomplished, Frowe contends it would be smarter to give up to the adversary. This can be legitimate in light of the fact that the expenses of war would have been greater (Frowe (2011), Page 56-7). Thusly, jus promotion bellum contains a few circumstances however in particular: worthwhile motivation and proportionality. This gives individuals an aide regardless of whether entering a war is legal. In any case, this is just a single piece of the hypothesis of the simply war. In any case, it tends to be seen over that jus promotion bellum can be bantered all through, showing that there is no conclusive hypothesis of a simply battle, as it is normatively estimated.

Jus in bello
The subsequent area starts translating jus in bello or what activities might we at any point arrange as passable in wars (Begby et al (2006b), Page 323). In the first place, it is never to kill blameless individuals in wars, upheld by Vittola’s most memorable recommendation purposefully. This is broadly acknowledged as ‘all individuals have a right not to be killed’ and assuming that a fighter does, they have disregarded that right and lost their right. This is additionally upheld by “non-soldier resistance” (Frowe (2011), Page 151), which prompts the topic of warrior capability referenced later in the article. This is co

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