Incorporate concepts of integrative bargaining, (i.e., win-win bargaining or interest-based bargaining). Your goal is to create an environment that increases the likelihood of reaching a mutually beneficial outcome for both parties.
Identify ways that Sharon can make a positive first impression, using tacit communication, such as body language, tone of voice, and so on. Explain your reasoning.
Identify examples of effective overt communication that Sharon can use in this negotiation. Explain your reasoning.
Suggest a location for the negotiation session that will create confidence in both Sharon and Alice and a positive basis for the discussion.
Identify situation(s) when should Sharon use tacit communication. In which situation(s) should Sharon use overt communication? Explain your reasoning.
Compare the impact of the overt and tacit communication in these situations and how they will affect the message Sharon is sending.
Sharon’s Negotiation with Alice: A Multi-Faceted Approach
Creating a Win-Win Environment
Sharon is preparing for a negotiation with Alice. To increase the likelihood of a mutually beneficial outcome, she can leverage integrative bargaining techniques:
Positive First Impression through Tacit Communication
Sharon can make a positive first impression through nonverbal cues:
Effective Overt Communication
Sharon can use clear verbal communication to enhance the negotiation:
Location, Location, Location
Choosing the right location sets the tone for the discussion:
Tacit vs. Overt Communication: Choosing the Right Tool
Impact Comparison
Sharon’s success hinges on a strategic combination of integrative bargaining techniques, positive nonverbal cues, and clear verbal communication. By creating a win-win environment and fostering trust through both tacit and overt communication, Sharon can significantly increase the chances of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement with Alice.