Refer to these plays: (Neighbors by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins) and (Sensitive Guys by MJ Kaufman)..
Branden Jacobs-Jenkins discusses the importance of accepting ourselves and owning our histories rather than disparaging ourselves simply at face value. On the other end of the spectrum MJ Kaufman wants us to show the flipside of people simply owning up to their mistakes rather than taking definite affirmative steps to make themselves better. What are your thoughts on that?
Pro-environmental behaviour has become a crucial part of today’s society, it is defined as “behaviour that harms the environment as little as possible, or even benefits the environment” (Steg & Vlek, 2009, p. 1). Due to climate change and ongoing exploitation of natural resources, the importance of humans acting environmentally reasonable has become increasingly vital. Pro-environmental behaviour aims at changing the human behaviour towards a more conscious handling of nature. Thereby multiple aspects of daily life such as energy consumption, commuting, garbage disposal and water consumption should be targeted (Sern et al., 2018). Especially waste has become one of the most significant problems today as the volume of waste has tremendously increased over the last decades as the ongoing process of industrialization continues. The waste problem cannot only be solved at government level but needs to be addressed at the individual level, especially private households that currently produce a significant amount of waste (Ayu et al., 2018). Therefore, the importance of individuals management of waste is a contemporary topic that is relevant to be studied.
Many papers have analysed determinants of household impact on waste. Especially Ayu et al. (2018) have shown in their quantitative analysis of Bekasi City (Indonesia) that the households are of vital importance in the process of achieving a low carbon society and that the level of knowledge and consciousness about environmental actions is directly linked to household waste behaviour. Within their study, the researchers have focused on women as they represent the main factor