New regional HIM director for a healthcare system




you are the new regional HIM director for a healthcare system that includes a community hospital, a long-term care facility, a hospice center, a home health agency, and a physician clinic.

Part 1

For this assignment, you are to create an organizational chart with the departments and a list of types of staff in each department. List staff such as RN, Radiology tech, lab tech, coder, etc. Numbers of staff and specific titles are not needed.

Part 2

For the second part of this assignment, you are to write a detailed description of the interrelationships across the health care delivery system. For example, the hospital lab department may provide laboratory services for the other facilities and interact with the nurses and medical assistants at those facilities. Are there some departments or staff positions that would function better in a shared services environment, supporting all the different facilities?

Describe how healthcare policy making impacts the healthcare delivery system. Discuss how you would evaluate the impact of the new state, local, and federal policies as well as global impacts.


Sample Solution

Regional Health Information Management (HIM) Department:

  • Director (you)
  • HIM Administrator
  • Data Quality Analysts
  • Coding Specialists
  • Release of Information Specialists
  • Privacy and Security Officer
  • Education and Training Coordinator

Community Hospital:

  • Registration: Admitting Clerks, Patient Financial Representatives
  • Medical Records: Medical Record Technicians, Release of Information Clerks
  • Health Information Management (HIM): Coding Specialists, Data Quality Analysts
  • Nursing: Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Nursing Assistants
  • Physician Services: Physicians, Residents, Medical Assistants
  • Laboratory: Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLTs), Phlebotomists
  • Radiology: X-ray Technicians, CT Scan Technicians, MRI Technicians
  • Pharmacy: Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians
  • Dietary Services: Dietitians, Food Service Staff
  • Environmental Services: Housekeeping Staff
  • Billing and Coding: Coding Specialists, Billers

Long-Term Care Facility:

  • Nursing: Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)
  • Social Work: Social Workers, Case Managers
  • Rehabilitation Services: Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Dietary Services: Dietitians, Food Service Staff
  • Activity Services: Activity Therapists, Recreation Staff
  • Medical Records: Medical Record Technicians, Release of Information Clerks

Hospice Center:

  • Nursing: Registered Nurses (RNs), Hospice Aides
  • Social Work: Social Workers, Chaplains
  • Volunteer Services: Volunteers
  • Palliative Care Specialists: Physicians, Nurses
  • Medical Records: Medical Record Technicians

Home Health Agency:

  • Nursing: Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Home Health Aides
  • Physical Therapy: Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants
  • Occupational Therapy: Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Medical Records: Medical Record Technicians

Physician Clinic:

  • Registration: Front Desk Staff, Medical Assistants
  • Medical Records: Medical Record Technicians
  • Nursing: Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
  • Physician Services: Physicians, Medical Assistants
  • Laboratory: Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLTs), Phlebotomists
  • Billing and Coding: Coding Specialists, Billers

Please note: This is a general organizational chart and may vary depending on the specific healthcare system.

Part 2: Interrelationships and Policy Impact


  • Centralized HIM Department: The hospital’s HIM department can provide services to all other facilities, such as coding, medical record management, and data quality analysis. This can improve efficiency and ensure consistency across the system.
  • Shared Services: Departments like laboratory, radiology, and billing can be shared across facilities to optimize resource utilization and expertise.
  • Clinical Information Exchange: Electronic health records (EHRs) should be interoperable across the system to facilitate communication and care coordination between different facilities. This can improve patient care and reduce duplication of services.
  • Telemedicine: Telemedicine can be used to connect specialists at the hospital with clinicians at other facilities, especially in rural areas or for after-hours consultations.

Policy Impact:

  • State and Local Policies: These can impact areas like Medicaid coverage, public health initiatives, and data privacy regulations. Changes in these policies can require adjustments to operational procedures and data management practices.
  • Federal Policies: Medicare and Medicaid policies have a significant impact on healthcare reimbursement and coverage. Changes in these policies can affect budgeting, staffing, and service offerings.
  • Global Impact: Global pandemics and emerging infectious diseases can impact resource allocation, travel restrictions, and patient care protocols.

Evaluation of Policy Impact:

  • Data Analysis: Analyzing HIM data can help assess the impact of policy changes on cost, quality, and access to care.
  • Stakeholder Feedback: Gathering feedback from clinicians, patients, and administrators can provide valuable insights into the practical implications of policy changes.
  • Literature Review: Staying informed about research and best practices in healthcare policy can help identify potential challenges and opportunities.

Overall, a strong HIM infrastructure and understanding of policy impact are essential for optimizing healthcare delivery across a system of diverse facilities. By leveraging data, fostering communication, and adapting to changing policies, regional HIM professionals can play a key role in ensuring high-quality, efficient, and accessible care for all patients.


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