1. What have been the key success factors for Nike?
2. Where is Nike vulnerable?
3. What should it watch out for?
4. What recommendations would you make to senior marketing executives going forward?
5. What should they be sure to do with their marketing?
Nike study case
Nike, Inc. is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services. Key success factors are most significant to future success of industry firms. Nike is successful because it has some of the best, if not the best, marketing in the world. Their brand is the number one brand in the sporting goods industry and is the 14th most valuable brand in the world (https://www.forbes.com/powerful-brands/list/#tab:rank). Nike sponsors numerous high profile sports and athletes teams around the globe with the greatly recognized brand name of “Just Do It” and the Swoosh logo.
me is increasingly affecting UK security with increased numbers of crimes committed as well as various types of crime. Data shows there has been a continued rise in the number of offences involving knives of 16% increase from last year as well as homicide rates recorded have shown a fourth consecutive rise increasing by 12%. In general, nearly all types of crime have increased causing greater issues for UK security. A particular threat to security is serious and organised crime which is reported to cost the UK at least £24 billion each year in order to try to prevent and protect the population. Recent changes from the government such as austerity has impacted crime levels. Spending on police services have been affected by austerity with loss of both back office and frontline staff. Reports show ‘this has caused reductions in budgets and staff such as frontline police officers and PCSOs by nearly 25,000 officers between 2010 and 2016.’ Arguably, research would suggest austerity has had a negative impact on crime however this can be debated. With increased levels of crime and cut backs in policing the UK security is increasingly under threat.
Crime is increasingly affecting more UK residents therefore becoming a greater issue. In the year ending March 2018 there were 40,100 offences involving knifes or sharp instruments – a record high in eight years. Knife crimes particularly stabbings, violence and numbers of gangs are continuing to rise with research showing gangs are becoming more involved in serious offences.
To determine whether to commit crime individuals undertake a cost benefit analysis. If the expected net utility exceeds the expected net utility derived from legitimate activity the individual will decide to commit the crime. Therefore, to enhance security policy the cost of crime needs to be increased. One way this can be done is through deterrence; which involves raising the price of something to reduce the amount purchased. As a result, the maximum way to increase the cost of crime would be to introduce the death penalty.
This would lead to the risks of committing a crime increasing so the criminal has a greater decision to make when undertaking the cost benefit analysis. Many studies have provided strong support for the use of capital punishment for example Ehrlich. Ehrlich’s report shows a statistically significant negative relationship in the United States between the use of the death penalty and homicide rates where he derives a ‘trade-off betwee