Nokia in product development.

Imagine you work for Nokia in product development. Recently, South Korean company Samsung contacted you about a potential conflict arising from a patent that Samsung holds. They are claiming that Nokia has violated their rights of ownership to the patent. In a 2,500 words, answer the following questions:

How will you approach the conflict? What kind of power dynamics are likely to be in play? Are there any ethical considerations involved? Which of the moral codes will you adopt in approaching this conflict? Why? (~500 words)
What kinds of emotions are likely to emerge? What cultural variables need to be considered when communicating and negotiating with Samsung (i.e. South Korean nationals)? What ethical philosophy (egoism, utilitarianism, or deontology) do you plan to embrace for this encounter? Why? (~500 words)
How do you plan to negotiate the conflict? Which approach (avoid, compete, accommodate, or collaborate) will you take? What compromises do you hope Samsung might be open to? Why? (~500 words)
Assuming independent negotiations fail, which of the NON-BINDING ADR strategies discussed in our class would you like to pursue? What things can you do, as a party to the conflict, to optimize the chances that non-binding ADR will be successful? (~500 words)
Assuming non-binding ADR fails and you have to move to arbitration, what will your strategy be? What kind of award model or approach do you hope the arbitrator will use for this case? Why is arbitration preferable to you over ordinary litigation? (~500 words)

Sample Solution

A multinational corporation with a focus on communication technologies is Nokia. For Nokia, having a distinct perception of reality and the environment around us constitutes the “art” of entrepreneurship. The markets for the goods sold by new businesses are frequently not uniform. Product development, according to Nokia, is the process of turning concepts into goods that are effectively marketed. It involves plans for the planned introduction of new products to markets as replacements for deteriorating ones and combines technical and marketing expertise. Product development should report to top management because it has a crucial role in the development and success of the company.

he two is who is fit to lead and the idea of vision versus authenticity. This is clear in how the rationalists view the privileges of the regular individuals inside society. Additional time the rationalists have inclined farther away from optimism and nearer to authenticity, Plato being the most optimistic and Alexis de Tocqueville the most sensible.

Plato philosophized that the people who oversee ought to be of a higher scholarly and moral type. “The heaviest punishment for declining to run is to be controlled by somebody mediocre compared to yourself.” This is a greater amount of a dreamer perspective as power doesn’t normally go to the prudent and scholarly. Particularly in light of the fact that Plato says individuals are controlled by their craving. Individuals are brought into the world with the longing to have more riches, influence and sex than others. On the off chance that this is to be accepted, Plato’s contention that the ethically solid and temperate ought to control would be almost unthinkable hence making him a romantic. On the off chance that everybody is driven by their avarice, unquestionably the greediest of people will procure extraordinary power. This makes it incomprehensible for the ethically solid and temperate to run the show.

Plato’s vision is additionally obvious in his idea of specialization. Plato attests that individuals ought to do what they are fit to and that’s it. He says “we should derive that everything is created all the more copiously and effectively and of a superior quality when one man does one thing which is normal to him, and does it brilliantly, and leaves different things. The people who rule simply rule and the individuals who ranch. Everybody adheres to their path. This wouldn’t work on the off chance that individuals were driven by the craving to secure more influence and abundance as they wouldn’t be content remaining in that frame of mind without the capacity to climb. Plato expounds on an optimal society while additionally perceiving that what he accepts is the regular sense of man won’t ever permit that society to occur.

Thomas Aquinas is likewise an optimist. That’s what aquinas expresses “Without a doubt that the world is managed by Divine Providence… the entire local area of the universe is represented by Divine Reason.” (ST, I-II, 91.1). He makes sense of the idea of everlasting regulation wherein power is given supernaturally. He proceeds to say “the general thought of the public authority of things in God the Ruler of the universe, has the idea of a regulation. Furthermore, since Divine Reason’s origination of things isn’t likely to time yet is everlasting, as per Prov. viii, 23… this sort of regulation should be called et

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