Nonverbal Communication in Culture






For this 3-4 page essay, you should choose 2 cultures and evaluate the nonverbal communication. Choose a specific topic reviewed in this class (for example, eye contact) and reflect on the two cultures based on the interactions. Make sure to include terminology and theory connections to describe the specific interaction and/or relationship.

Be sure to use specific details and cite external sources. This writing assignment should include four major sections: the Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References.


Many cultures have different ways of displaying nonverbal communication, but one of the most important forms is eye contact. Eye contact can be used to express a variety of emotions and messages between two people such as trust, respect, authority, or intimacy. When comparing two different cultures regarding eye contact, it is important to look at how they view and interpret this form of communication differently.

When looking at both Japanese and American culture in terms of eye contact there are some stark differences in the way it is interpreted. In Japanese culture there is an emphasis on avoiding direct eye contact as much as possible to maintain politeness (Kochanski & Konarzewska 2014). This could mean simply keeping their head down when talking with another person or if necessary making brief short glances during conversation. Directing your gaze upwards may be seen as disrespectful or aggressive due to its association with confronting someone (Dowdell 2019). Whereas in American culture direct eye contact is generally accepted and even encouraged for conversations between strangers or acquaintances (Davidson 2012). It’s viewed as a friendly gesture that shows interest and attentiveness towards the other person which ultimately helps build stronger relationships (Kochanski & Konarzewska 2014). If someone avoids making direct eye contact in American society, it can often be seen as being rude or untrustworthy which may lead to further misunderstandings between individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

Overall while these two cultures differ greatly when it comes to their interpretations of nonverbal communication like eye contact, understanding each other’s perspectives can help create better relationships across cultural divides. Respectful awareness of each other’s customs will allow us all to successfully communicate our thoughts without any misinterpretations along the way.

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