Note-taking strategy


Brian is taking an online class and doesn’t think he really needs a note-taking strategy to get by—everything is already accessible to him. He has recorded lectures to watch (3 a week), assigned readings, Web site explorations (finding Web sites that relate to the week’s topics), and notes the professor provides. He needs to prepare for an upcoming test and is not sure where to start. What advice can you give him about note-taking that will help him prepare for class?


Sample Solution

Note-taking strategy

Note-taking is the practice of recording information from different sources and platforms. By taking notes, the writer records the essence of the information, freeing their mind from having to recall everything. Note taking forces you to pay attention and helps you focus in class. It also helps you learn. Actively engaging with the topic by listening and then summarizing what you hear helps you understand and remember the information later. To optimize note taking, the students should focus on the words being spoken, be selective in what notes they are taking, and record those notes in physical form.

The use of the death penalty is embedded throughout history, but what is its place in our modern society? Despite the development of more liberal ideas, capital punishment, which is a direct violation of human rights, is still a feature of many justice systems around the world today.

After completing volunteer work for a public pressure group, named Amicus, providing representation for American citizens on death row, I was exposed to the severity of this issue. The death penalty deprives people of the most basic human right; the right to life. Therefore, it is not a question of whether or not we should defend the right to life but rather how we should defend it. Thus, I have decided to research the question; ‘Is it more effective to defend the right to life through the law or through public pressure groups?’

Amicus only works with prisoners on death row in the United States and so I have decided to concentrate the focus of this research question in that region. Therefore, I will be concentrating on American legislation when dealing with the issue of the law in comparison to public pressure groups.

When approaching this question, we must clarify the meaning of ‘public pressure groups.’ A widely accepted definition is ‘an organised group that does not put up candidates for election, but seeks to influence government policy or legislation.’ However, this definition does not specify exactly how the pressure groups persuade the government. This minor detail can determine whether a pressure group is successful or not. Some pressure groups believe that in order to achieve their goal, they must organise violent protests and rallies. Others take a more peaceful approach, such as writing letters to members of parliament or running non-violent campaigns. Amicus is best described as the latter, as they use the law itself to f

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