Respond to the following
This week you are introduced to a conceptual approach to understanding numbers and basic mathematical
operations. Many of this week’s concepts may be presented differently than you remember from grade school,
because the way foundational mathematics are taught has changed in the last few decades. This course uses
newer and more effective instructional approaches. Choose a topic from the readings this week. Compare and
contrast how you first learned about that topic with the way it is presented in this week’s materials. What did
you learn that you may not have expected? Give an example of how you can apply what you learned to a
situation outside the classroom.
Web and Culture
The Internet and culture envision a topographical detachment that doesn’t impede the universe of individuals’ social or financial liquidity. Concrete streets are outdated and pointless, the data expressway is the main way you have to realize how to explore. Data innovation has become a glue and a nail connecting our (worldwide) society. It has formed into issues concerning the establishment of optical fiber link, cell tower, satellite telecom. The World Bank venture has changed from street development to wire laying.
Obviously, this is a long way from a total rundown. The Internet culture is exceptionally large and confounded. In any case, considering the way that during such a brief period numerous individuals are viewed as their own online culture – obviously it ought to merit concentrating in detail? The significant inquiry is which culture is nearest to the Internet culture (communicating in English). Is it American culture? Or on the other hand is the Internet culture totally separated to its own one? I have heard tales about the individuals who experienced childhood in Sweden, yet youngsters communicate in English as opposed to English as they are doing numerous computer games on the web. Or on the other hand, who experienced childhood in Saudi Arabia, he is a cumbersome women’s activist. For a few of us, the Internet culture is nearer to our souls than the way of life of where we developed. I will say “the Internet” when asked where I originated from. This is a progression of qualities and rehearses like different societies.
Web culture or system culture is a culture that rises or rises using PC systems for correspondence, diversion, and business. Web culture is research on new social wonders identified with the Internet and new system correspondence, for example, online network, online multiplayer games, wearable registering, social games, web based life, portable applications, enlarged reality, instant messages. Issues identified with character, protection, organize arrangement