Numerical Analysis Iteration





Convergence Speed Problem

% Generate your matrices A, D, L and U here.



% Generate your iteration matrices for Jacobi and GS here.

% Compute the spectral radius here for J and G. Use the function max and abs.



% Compute the convergence rate here. Do not change the names crJ and crGS.


SGS Problem

% Generate your matrix, rhs b, initial guess and tolerance here.


x=sgs(A,b,x0,eps); % make sure to name your solution x.

% Write your function here. Similar structure can be used here.
% Check homework solutions for sample codes.
function x=sgs(A,b,x0,tol)



Sample Solution

eover, the risk of exposure for both patients and dental staff should be assessed before and two days after receiving the dental treatment. Therefore, active communication with other medical practitioners is crucial in preventing the disease.Even after the arrival and availability of effective vaccines, it will take time to return to a normal state of clinical practice regarding the chances of infection in dental offices; hence universal infection control protocols should be followed continuously until the local health authority states that it no longer necessary to do so. Identifying Susceptible Groups During this Covid-19 pandemic, chronic disease patient, pregnant ladies, nursing home residents (may include geriatric, disabled or debilitated patients), cancer patients, incarcerated individuals and underrepresented minority and marginalized populations are included as individuals that are highly susceptible and more prone to develop any oral disease or infections. Hence, these highly susceptible individuals have more needs of emergency dental treatment and need to be given priority and equitably in accessing the healthcare services and dental treatment. In addition, these groups of highly susceptible individual are often at a lower socioeconomic group and have poorer general health condition than the general populations. Therefore, there are many problems arise when treating these highly susceptible patients remotely. Next, it is important to protect the quality of life and the necessities of oral health care timely for these highly susceptible individuals. If we do not take immediate actions on treating the disease, there will be serious consequences in these vulnerable patients. For example, poor dental health condition in pregnant mothers may lead to many problems in the pregnant mother and their babies such as early childhood caries and chronic disease. As the saying “Prevention is better than cure”, nowadays the dental treatment field have change to preventing the disease instead of treating the disease. Therefore, it is crucial to provide pediatric patients with appropriate dental care such as topical fluoride application and pit and fissure sealants to prevent the onset of dental disease in the future. It is also important to raise awareness of oral health in the children since they are small by teaching and encourage them to take care of their oral hygiene and having online dental visits. Next, it is very important to provide dental treatment for organ transplant patient before their organ transplant operation. This is because the organ transplant patients will take immunosuppressive drugs after the operations to prevent organ rejection reaction and these immunosuppressive dru

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