Nurse Policy

Using the Clark Healthy Workplace inventory tool (Clark, 2015), I conducted a workplace environmental assessment and the results were very revealing. Findings indicated a score in the range of 50-59 which means that the environment is unhealthy. The healthy range being between 90-100 (Clark, 2015). Specific findings from this assessment found that in the measure of communication, and measure of team work, the organization scored very poor. This goes to validate and support why my organization has a very high turnover rate, low employee morale and decrease job satisfaction. One area that scored high was the element of salaries and benefits (Clark, 2015). It is important for healthcare institutions to establish and support a healthy work environment as that is what promotes safety, quality of care both for the staff and patients (American Nurses Association, 20150.

Incivility in My Workplace

The envrionemntal assessment only served to further validate what I already knew about my work setting. It revealed that there is incivility and unhealthy environment. This is demonstrated by the lack of teamwork, poor motivation, poor communication and high turnover that is prevalent in my work setting. There is also a lack of transparency, lack of trust, lack of accountability and follow-through as each person is only concerned with covering themselves. In the literature, workplace incivility has been linked to increase burnout, poor job productivity, high turnover rates and negative culture (Rahim & Cosby, 2016). Incivility goes against everything that we are healthcare professionals should be practicing such as collaboration, partnerships, interdisciplinary practice etc.

Brief Description of DESC Model

One of the approaches that I prefer to use to address incivility in the work setting is the DESC model which refers to describe, express, state and consequence (Clark, 2015). This model has been utilized successfully to address conflict and build better relationships. In order for this model to be effective, those involved should have an open mind (Clark, 2015). It enables each party to confront the other in a respectful and assertive manner. It also demonstrates accountability (Clark, 2015) as all too often, some people may not even be aware of the ill-effects of their actions. This model helps organizations to build an effective team and create healthy environment that is grounded on collaboration.

Incivility Experience

A real life experience that I had with incivility was during a change of shift report between myself and another nurse. I work in the long-term care setting and we had new admissions on a daily basis. On this occasion, the outgoing nurse after finishing giving report was in a hurry to leave. I did my rounds on my patients and had a question about the weight bearing status of one of the newly admitted patients. I went to search for the nurse to ask my question before she left and when I found her, her, answer was “please go and check the chart I am going home”. This was a very sarcastic and unnecessary approach to a simple question and it is responses such as these that breed ill-will among the staff and why there is no collaboration or mutual respect among the employees. In this situation, because I was unable to verify or validate the weight bearing status of the patient, it took me twice as longer to get my work done, it costs additional time and resources that could have been devoted to other patients and ultimately could have results in injury to the patient if the wrong intervention would have been done. As Clark (2015) describes, communication is a key and arguably one of the most significant measures to safety and quality in healthcare.


American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). Healthy work environment. Retrieved from,

In any case, he has still not questioned everything, as there are a few things that despite everything apply in dreams, for example, arithmetic and geometry. Indeed, even in dreams, two in addition to three will at present equivalent five, and a square will consistently have four sides. The third influx of uncertainty permits Descartes to question whether this is the situation. He mulls over whether there is an almighty, malicious evil presence deluding him and if there is the scarcest chance of this, Descartes must negligence every past conviction. Quite possibly the evil spirit is deceiving him to accept that a quadrilateral has four sides, when in truth it has seven. Descartes has now arrived at where he thinks everything can be questioned.

Toward the start of Meditation Two, Descartes is uncertain of how to get away from the uncertainty he ends up suffocating in because of the earlier day’s questions. He begins by thinking about whether he can delude himself. Apparently he can question his detects, regardless of whether he is dreaming and whether 2+3=5, yet he can’t question the way that he is thinking. In spite of the fact that his considerations might be misdirected, he is convinced that he exists, only by having musings by any means. He has subsequently introduced the Cogito as a contention for his reality.

Descartes guarantees that despite the fact that the devil might be deluding him, he should exist so as to be beguiled. In the event that he is questioning, he is thinking, thus long as he might suspect, he is something, and that something exists. Each time Descartes communicates or considers the words ‘personality aggregate, sense of self existo’, it is fundamentally valid.

So far, Descartes has demonstrated that he exists however has not examined finally what it is that exists. He can’t yield that his body exists, as the three rushes of uncertainty from the main contemplation despite everything apply. The main thing now Descartes can guarantee, is that he is something, and that something is a reasoning thing.

In any case, Descartes has been reprimanded for asserting a lot without having represented it in the Cogito. He has just figured out how to show that there is thinking going on, rather than a thing having those contemplations. Right now, Descartes is just permitted to state that there are considerations occurring at the time they are being thought, so this proposes he ought not allude to himself as a ‘suspecting thing’, as he has not demonstrated that those musings have a place with him.

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