Case Study
A patient is being treated with combination antiviral drugs for HIV and locally active antiviral drugs that include zidovudine and acyclovir. The nursing instructor and student are preparing a 5-minute presentation on antiviral agents for clinical preconference. The nursing student has to assist with preparing medication information about the antiviral medications that are being administered to the client. How would the nursing student assist with preparing the information for the presentation?
Assignment Instructions
Please complete the following case study analysis utilizing the following:
The Nursing Process:
A – Assessment
D – Diagnosis (Use NANDA nursing diagnoses)
P – Plan (Outcome with a specific short and long term goal)
I – Implementation
E – Evaluation
The historical backdrop of grown-up friendly consideration in England is long and complex and is past the extent of this survey. Throughout the course of recent years or so there have been many changes in how social consideration is coordinated and run, and who is engaged with this (Lewis, 1995). The appearance of ‘agreement culture’, marketisation or privatization in grown-up friendly consideration arose during the 1980s. This was trailed by an audit of local area care administrations by Sir Roy Griffiths in the last part of the 1980s which prompted the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act. Following this turn of events, social laborers were made ‘chiefs’, dependable of surveying individual need and orchestrating bundles of care from a mix of private, public and good cause administrations. This was steady with the then safe government’s political philosophy of 1979 to 1997. Accordingly, social laborers became ‘buyers’ as opposed to suppliers. A large part of the new friendly consideration subsidizing that went with these progressions was to be spent in the free area (Dickinson and Glasby 2011). From 1997 to 2007, under the new work government this ethos remained, however with a developing accentuation on modernisation, depicted as a ‘third way’ between the market-based belief system. Late government strategy accentuation personalisation where by friendly consideration administration clients have the more noteworthy decision and control in their consideration. For instance, expanding pretended by direct installments, social consideration administration clients getting what might be compared to straightforwardly offered types of assistance with which to buy or recruit their own consideration staff. 2.1.1 Definition of privatization in friendly consideration Privatization is a term that is utilized to convey an assortment of thoughts and covers a wide continuum of conceivable outcomes. Be that as it may, from a broadest perspective, privatization can allude to the total government withdrawal from the capacity, including the offer of government resources, for example, neighborhood authority run care homes or banks to privately owned businesses. Also, privatization of social consideration can incorporate the utilization of vouchers to permit administration clients to “search around” for administrations, as utilized (Nightingale and Pindus 1997). For the reasons for this review, this exposition centers around the most widely recognized type of privatization; contracting out administrations to private associations. Private area associations can be for-benefit or not-for-benefit, for example, religious gatherings, establishments, social ventures and good cause. In exploring the subject of privatization of grown-up friendly consideration in the United Kingdom a great deal of data could be found in overflow. Social consideration administrations are continuous objects of social strategy change as government assistance state in England, as in the remainder of the UK, and face expanding tension on existing grown-up friendly consideration arrangement and expect development in future interest (Anttonen, Baldock and Sipilä, 2003). In 1995 private consideration consumption for the more established grown-ups and persistently badly was simply over £8 billion (Harrington and Pollock, 1998). As per Age Concern (2008) individuals live longer than at any other time, and the pace of more seasoned individuals north of 65 years whom Leadbeater et al., (2008) say are the biggest gathering of beneficiaries of social consideration in England, has been expanding steadily. Maturing populace has achieved concerns