Nursing models


For this discussion, in three to four paragraphs, contrast two nursing models and theories found in your reading. Discuss how they are similar or different in the way the define/discuss health and wellness, illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and then describe how this would affect the way in which you would practice nursing.

Sample Solution

Sister Callista Roy`s and Dorothea Orem`s model have greatly influenced nursing profession. The integration of both the models is not only applicable in clinical practice but also in nursing education, administration and research. These models guide nurses to use observations and interviewing skills in doing an individualized assessment of each person. The aim of this paper is to study, compare and contrast two nursing models given by two nursing theorists who have made major contributions in the field of nursing practice. The Roy Adaptation Model sees the person as a biopsychosocial being in continuous interaction with a changing environment. Orem`s Self-Care Deficit Theory describes nursing as the act of helping others within the provision and management of self-care to take care of or improve human working at the house level of effectiveness.

bert Filmer and Thomas Hobbes were two of the greatest advocates for outright government of their age. While both were supportive of absolutism as well as all out control given to the separate sovereign, the premise of their thinking varies generally. Robert Filmer guaranteed that outright government comes from the male centric rule, endorsed by God himself. Filmer accepts Adam was the principal patriarch, and was afforded power over his kids, with each progressive family following this kind of level system(FIlmer 6-7). In like manner, Filmer perceives that families and towns will ultimately develop, making it challenging to follow or choose genealogy of the first patriarch, and in these circumstances, patriarchs might meet up and settle on a sovereign. Filmer says that this choice isn’t exactly a choice individuals, but instead one of the “all inclusive” patriarch, God himself(Filmer 11). Filmer involves this man centric level framework as his avocation for outright government, as this is what God endorsed while allowing Adam and succeeding patriarchs power over their separate families. Rulers ought to be given outright power since it is the desire of God in being conceded authority as a patriarch, and residents are basically relatives of this patriarch, so it is their inherent obligation to comply. Furthermore, the Sovereign is limited by divine regulation and law of past decision patriarchs, and the people who defy will be legitimately rebuffed brutally by God(Filmer 11).

While Filmer contends for Absolutism based on God, Thomas Hobbes, one more absolutist advocate, contends this thought as an option to the “condition of nature” in what man lived in before coordinated government. This condition of nature was one of precariousness, and loaded with insurgency, as men are normally self-interested(Hobbes 112). Hobbes accepts that legislatures were shaped in the first place to carry strength to this condition of nature. The sovereign and individuals have a kind of agreement guaranteeing security and insurance, and this security may just be accomplished through complete dutifulness to the sovereign(Hobbes Chap. 30). In submitting to the sovereign, individuals are in principle complying with themselves. The sovereign is the sole official, and it is individuals’ authoritative obligation to obey(Hobbes 176). Hobbes perceives that a sovereign might settle on choices troublesome to some; notwithstanding, individuals should submit to these choices, as their results are without a doubt more positive than man getting back to a fighting state as he accepts man lived in before laid out government(Hobbes 138,144).

On one more finish of the political range, John Locke and his Second Treatise of Government straightforwardly disprove the supportive of absolutist contentions made by Robert Filmer and Thomas Hobbes. Toward the finish of the

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