Nursing Practice Evolved Over Time



How Has Nursing Practice Evolved Over Time? Discuss The Key Leaders And Historical Events That Have Influenced The Advancement Of Nursing, Nursing Education, And Nursing Roles That Are Now Part Of The Contemporary Nursing Profession.

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The evolution of the nursing profession has led nurses from households to hospitals, schools and outpatient clinics. As one of the oldest occupations, nurses have faced and inspired an array of changes. The most remarkable not only raised the profession but patient outcomes and the overall state of health care. One prominent change in the evolution of the nursing profession is formalized education. The first training programs opened at hospitals in the late-19th century. Student nurses received clinical instruction in exchange for providing care to patients. As the “Mother of Modern Nursing,” no historical account of the profession is complete without noting Florence Nightingale’s contribution.

Having been a part of this multinational company, I know that Majid Al Futtaim is also prone to challenges of globalization in the process of recruitment and selection. For key positions in different regions, the company needs competent professionals who are experienced to work on international posts and manage diversified force working under them. the retirement, leave or turnover of leaders also produce the challenge of succession planning at these positions which can result in better connectivity of all international working units to the mainstream headquarters. Therefore, the diversity of culture is considered carefully in the process of scrutiny. If the employee possess specific talent, has a promising profile and experience; Majid Al Futtaim would prefer to hire the employee even when the cost of his management and setting at workplace is a bit higher than local workforce. This is to alleviate performance gap issues in the future that leads to company’s loss and failure in the market.

The recruitment, induction, and selection process identifies the need of people resourcing and work to get the required talent from the talented candidate market. It is the premium responsibility of recruiter to select the right person for the right kind of job who will fulfill the need of specific skills, knowledge, and abilities in the organization. The capabilities of employees are matched with the requirement of people resource identified by the need assessors. The human resource management department is responsible to adhere to needs of workforce in the organization and report to the concerned authority. We in Majid Al Futtaim would evaluate the report of need and conduct the process for recruiting the candidate. Cultural diversity, workplace culture, the job description, and salary and compensation packages are included in the recruitment process decisions. We in human resource department decided these elements and sent the information to the recruitment committee which further advertise the job accordingly. Even if the recruitment was being done through existing workforce, the determination of salary and compensation is mandatory and considered official duty for the recruiter to

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