Obstetrical history



The patient is a 17 year old female who arrives to the emergency department in active labor with a
questionable past of obstetrical history. She indicates that she has had no prenatal care, does not remember
her last menstruation period, and is evasive if this is her first pregnancy. Blood work indicates she is Rh
A. What are some concerns you as her nurse should be prepared for?
B. What teaching does this patient need?
C. What are the expected outcomes for this patient?





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Sexual Topics in Mass Media

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free informative article exampleIf one needed to make a rundown out of the most well known subjects introduced in media, sex would be in the main 10 without a doubt. Most of discussed moral issues are identified with sex; media items, for example, tune verses, video cuts on MTV, and numerous Hollywood films, are devoted to sex and additionally personal connections. Also that such a condition is restricted as far as discernment and self-improvement, yet it is likewise somewhat hurtful, as genuine sex and its popularized variant have obvious contrasts. The peril begins from confounding these two standards.

Genuine sex is essentially consensual—else, it turns into a wrongdoing bringing about legitimate results. Be it energetic or dull, it despite everything stays a follow up on which the two people concur. For couples with solid connections, sex doesn’t fill in as a way to impact a huge other—else, it gets exploitative. In its turn, sex in media is essentially exploitative, somehow. Media outlets utilizes sexy pictures of the two sexes to advance items; superstars utilize sexual pictures to acquire prevalence; movie producers and authors may abuse sexual scenes to keep up crowds’ advantage, etc. This prompts a paired thought that sex can be either used to accomplish objectives, or can be bought in return for cash or other boosts (MSRStudies). Grown-ups are accepted to have the option to recognize truth and untruths; more youthful ages, in any case, regularly take media pictures at face esteem.

Youngsters and adolescents are the most defenseless age bunches as far as creating misguided judgments about sex under the media’s impact; influenced by a steady assault of sexual subjects, young men and young ladies will in general misunderstand a comprehension of sex jobs, suitable conduct and connections, and of sex itself. Lamentably, there is by all accounts no real way to totally shield youth from an undesired presentation to marketed sex subjects. Consequently, the most ideal path for guardians to manage the conceivable negative outcomes of such introduction is manufacture nearer associations with their kids, to let them comprehend that talking about sexual points with guardians is more sufficient than learning all that somewhere else (The Oregonian). This could empower guardians to fix misinterpretations their youngsters may create affected by media.

The manner in which sex is typically portrayed in the media business has prompted its recognition from the consumerist perspective. Among the most across the board prerequisites in a roundabout way forced by media, one could specify physical engaging quality, sexual intrigue and perseverance, a particular sort of conduct and way of life, and a hopeful self-perception. In quest for these somewhat illusionary standards, an individual may create genuine mental or physical issues: stress, misery, anorexia, STDs, etc (MSFStudies). Expressed compactly, every individual has their own abilities, and subsequently ought to be guided distinctly by their own encounters, rather than following institutionalized pre-made models offered by media.

Sex has stayed a subject of intrigue. In any case, the media business has carried it to another level, transforming it into a vision that numerous individuals attempt to coordinate. Sex in the media is for the most part utilized for items or for the advancement of big names; this is a consumerist approach that infers that sex might be either a mean of accomplishing objectives, or a help that can be handily bought. Young people and youngsters are particularly powerless against media impacts, as they have an absence of individual experience to put together their recognition with respect to. Influenced by mutilated pictures in media, they create off base originations about sexuality, sex jobs, and sex itself. Besides, even grown-ups fall into this snare, attempting to coordinate hopeful (and frequently ridiculous) criteria, forced by media. Powerlessness to meet such necessities can have genuine mental and physical outcomes.


Wang, Amy. “Children, Pop Culture and Sex: What’s a Parent to Do?” The Oregonian. N.p., 26 Aug. 2010. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <http://blog.oregonlive.com/themombeat/2010/08/kids_pop_culture_and_sex_whats.html>.

Lewis, John. “Sex isn’t What TV Shows You” MSFStudies. N.p., 14 Aug. 2012. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. <http://msfakestudies.org/articles/53330,html>.

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