Online payment systems


How do you believe customers view online payment systems?
Explain your answer in 200 words. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings.

Sample Solution

Online payment systems

Customer experience is defined as the interactions that occur between a customer and an organization throughout their relationship. These interactions occur through all stages of the customer lifecycle. Collecting payments is critical to the customer experience for one reason. It is the time when the customer evaluates your value proposition and acts on the buying decision. Customers often know what they want before they begin the shopping process. Any delays, bottlenecks or errors at the point of payment almost guarantee an abandoned cart. The speed of the payment process is a reflection of the overall quality of service a company provides, and few customers have the time or patience to deal with a complex system.

try not to take care of youngsters’ hunger for encountering risk by eliminating every expected danger, while we are making it tentatively more secure we are likewise establishing a test free climate, which adjusts their personality advancement. Youngsters have an inborn intuition to encounter chance to the degree that they will search it out themselves. This wish to get away from a prohibitive adolescence could be contended to be a contributing component to an ascent in reserved youth relaxation exercises like wrongdoing (Gill 2007).

Beginning around 2007 the UK has seen an expansion in brutal wrongdoings including road packs and an ascent in casualties of rough posse fighting. This could be to some degree accused on the ramifications of making settings risk free. From the recently established challenge free conditions (Stephenson, 2003: 40) youngsters are bound to become exhausted which settles on surprising ways of behaving and decisions become progressively interesting to make fervor in their play. Walsh (1993: 24) investigates this view making sense of kids are ‘directed to involve gear in surprising and really hazardous courses with an end goal to make challenge for themselves’.

We are encircled by the most animating climate possible. In any case, we are basically not daring to the point of utilizing it. The open air climate has the most regular and strong methods of learning for little youngsters (Bilton, 2002). It gives free admittance to limitless space to move youngsters’ inventiveness and creative mind. A definitive creation must be nature itself, which persistently surpasses the limits of humanity’s creative mind. In the present culture to offer kids the full scope of chances to create and encounter what was once called a ‘typical youth’ and to accomplish their maximum capacity instructors and suppliers should have the certainty to involve this regular asset as a focal piece of their teaching method and be daring to the point of facing the ‘fault and guarantee culture’ (Trafford, 2018)that right now stops them doing as such.

In 2002 the Child Accident Prevention Trust investigated youngsters’ mentalities to gamble in the North-east of England. They found a larger part of the youthful populace went out and played on badlands, building locales, metros, underpasses, deserted structures and quarries so they could look for opportunity away from the careful focus of grown-ups while encountering and finding out about risk. This was the main way the youngsters felt they could have genuine experiences where they could climb, run, bounce and utilize their creative mind. (Gill 2007: 19). This opens them to unmonitored risk which seemingly is more hazardous to our more youthful age since they’ve not figured out how to evaluate risk through experience as we have kept them in a case of wellbeing.

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