Opera libretto by a librettist


When did Don Juan kill the Commander in the play (give act/scene/page)? What about in the opera (give act/scene)? Since the opera obeys the dramatic unity of time (it takes place in 24 hours) what difficulties concerning the statue of the Commander are there in the opera that aren’t a problem in the play?

Another source for this character is an opera libretto by a librettist known as Tirso de Molina, El burlador de Sevilla, y Convidado de piedra (The trickster of Seville, or the Guest of Stone). In this version DG is not a hedonist (as in da Ponte) or an atheist but rather someone who enjoys the challenge of tricking his victims. This DG (unlike da Ponte’s and Moliere’s) doesn’t claim to be immune from divine justice but plans to seek forgiveness in the confessional. In what parts of the opera does Giovanni seem more like the trickster of de Molina, an individual who enjoys the chase more than the eventual seduction?

The overture to Don Giovanni conforms to Gluck’s reform-opera rules by being connected to the drama as opposed to being an unrelated instrumental work that exists merely for pleasure and for filling time. Listen carefully to the overture. In the overture a musical figure based on a chromatic scale appears early and returns later. In the opera this figure marks the arrival of a certain character. In what part of the overture does this figure return and who is the character who enters when it appears in the opera? What words does the character sing in the opera?




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Could Watching Reality Shows Be Harmful?

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circumstances and logical results article sampleIf an individual turns their TV on in practically any nation, in all probability the channels will be loaded up with various types of unscripted TV dramas. This is nothing unexpected, on the grounds that this sort of TV program has gotten incredibly well known in late decades. Such shows are engaging and compelling to watch, as they center not around anecdotal characters, however on genuine individuals put in various settings and circumstances. In any case, paying little heed to the diversion it conveys, an inquiry may emerge: is there something more to watching unscripted TV dramas than being engaged?

While assessing unscripted TV dramas, a few variables ought to be taken in thought. The “truth” that is generally appeared on TV isn’t a similar target reality we live in. Each unscripted TV drama has a center plan to which the conduct of its competitors is quelled—however the members are not obliged to act somehow, they despite everything follow the content, and their conduct is then assessed (by crowds, other show members, arbitrators, etc). “All TV appears, not simply unscripted TV dramas, help build situations that show how a few practices will be remunerated or rebuffed. The worry is that visit watchers of these shows will become familiar with these practices, consider them to be attractive and afterward model them in the genuine world,” says Dr. Brad Gorham, seat of the Communications Department at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University (USA Today).

In the event that we attempt to make sense of what is so engaging about unscripted TV dramas, we can arrive at this resolution: it is the mortification and deriding of the competitors that makes individuals interested. In fact, on the off chance that we break down such a mainstream appear as American Idol, we will handily see numerous scenes of this program are devoted to ridiculing the hopefuls, whose performing capacities were lower contrasted with different members (which doesn’t really mean they are denied of ability, or are more awful in some other way). This can make a group of people (which for the most part comprises of youngsters) that rate and evaluate individuals dependent on their characteristics, for example, appearance or aptitudes; this model structures a strong reason for segregating conduct and an absence of resilience (eHow).

One more negative impact of unscripted TV dramas is a mutilated portrayal of connections between sexes. Numerous unscripted TV dramas address sexual topics, or portray connections dependent on embarrassments and battles. Connections on TV differentiate genuine ones: they will in general be less steady and amicable, they are sexualized, and for the most part planned for carrying greater prominence to those occupied with them. Since it is hard to control the entrance of underaged crowds to TV projects, youngsters and adolescents are presented to the dangers of building up an off-base view of connections dependent on what they see on TV, which is unsuitable (RFA.edu).

Despite the fact that unscripted TV dramas have gotten incredibly well known, it doesn’t mean they are gainful for their crowds. Or maybe regularly, these shows show good examples that depend on semi-fake conditions and situations. Be that as it may, these models are as yet observed as attractive by watchers. Likewise, mortification, which makes the premise of the diversion part in most of unscripted TV dramas, trains crowds to rate individuals dependent on their physical or mental characteristics, which can make a strong reason for separating conduct. Likewise, considering sexualized and disentangled delineations of sentimental connections as a general rule appears, one can guarantee these TV projects can cause distorted view of connections between various sexes in the psyches of young people, who for the most part make up the intended interest group of most of unscripted TV dramas.


Fahner, Micki. “The Real Effects of Reality TV.” USA Today College. N.p., 18 Apr. 2012. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.

“Negative Effects of Reality Shows.” EHow. Request Media, 07 Oct. 2010. Web. 08 Sept. 2014.

LeBoue, Sarah. “Unscripted television May Cause Deviant Sexual Behavior Among Teens.” RFA.edu. N.p., 01 Sept. 2014. Web. 08 Sept. 2014. .

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