Opportunities for social mobility


“With the provision of free, universal and compulsory education since 1978, opportunities for social mobility have become more equal; this, in turn, promotes social integration in post-war Hong Kong”. Critically evaluate this statement.


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they had to deal with Celtic societies. Likewise, the First Men came to Westeros and provoked the Children of the Forest (Martin, 1996: 74, 75).
Finally, both clashes were resolved with the sovereignty of the victors through peace agreements. As time goes by, different colonizers arrived to both lands. Anglo-Saxons from the North of the continent broke peace agreements when they conquered the land and Consequently, they hardly extinguished the Celtic tribes and the Romans were eventually banished (Diomedes, 2006). similarly, Westeros was invaded by distant folks; A race of tall, fair haired troopers well-known by their command of the sea who attacked with fire and steel weaponries slaughtering all in their route. They singed the sacred woods and hacked away the carved faces in their weirwoods while spreading their own religion of The Seven. (Shepard, 2014). Actually, the accounts of the Andals match with Anglo-Saxons features; they were described as “(people) with large bodies, light skin with blue eyes and fair hair” (Diomedes, 2006). Additionally, after these conquests, both countries were divided into seven zones –the Heptarchs in England, and the Seven Kingdoms in Westeros. The alliance of both territories came with the last conquerors. In Britain, Scandinavian forces subdued all the land, except the South (Wessex). Finally, William the Conqueror, who came from Normandy and traversed the English Channel, achieved the unification of the land (Diomedes 2006). Equally, Targaryens, from the old Valyria, arrived to Westeros commanded by Aegon the Conqueror. They stretched their dominions all over the land apart from the South (Dorne). This fact caused a regional, political, and religious fusion in both the real and the fantasy realms.

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