Scenario You are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. Your director has called for all development teams to submit product briefs detailing their current projects. The director plans to share the most promising product briefs with clients at an upcoming meeting. You have software design documents for two potential projects. Directions You must choose one of the potential products and use the information contained in the technical specification document to create your product brief. The brief is intended to explain the new application to potential clients. (Use the personas created for the 2-1 Milestone as the audience for this project.) You should highlight the features that will appeal to clients and persuade them to purchase the new application. Your brief should include the following: An explanation of the features and functions of the product Clear definitions of technical terms and concepts that are relevant to communicating the product capabilities An explanation of the benefits of using the product within an organization Graphics that support or clarify technical information concerning the product Appropriate language for the intended audience What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Product Brief with Graphics This assignment must be 500 to 1,000 words in length and should include at least two graphics that help clarify technical concepts. Any references must be cited in APA format.
oved her father refused to play the game. This clearly showed a power struggle within the family. The two daughters Regan and Goneril decided to make a run for the power like a government coup. In this poem there is another relationship shown with King Lear and Gloucester. Gloucester is this guy that has two sons Edgar, the legitimate son and Edmund who is illegitimate. Gloucester speaks badly of his illegitimate son Edmund in public. Doing so causes a family rift where Edmund wants to find a way to hurt Gloucester.
This shows another power struggle where the children rise up in some way against their parents. Different circumstances leads to different to different power struggles. Parents are supposed to provide a safe environment for their children. The way a parent handles certain situations makes a great deal of difference. It is stated in the Bible in the 10th commandments Thou shalt honor thy mother and father. The meaning of honoring our parents is a command, which we dare not ignore. But there is a second reason for carefully studying the 5th commandment. Honoring our parents is one of the highest callings and greatest tasks we face in life. In Lear’s situation, the way that his power can be shown as being taken for granted is at the beginning of the when he divides up his kingdom between his daughters. Lear’s plan is to give the biggest piece of land from his kingdom to the child that loves him the most. Out of all of Lear’s daughters, his favorite daughter, is named Cordelia and he knows that she will win the challenge that he has put up.