Organization Presentation


You’ve become a trusted resource for your organization, and they’ve asked your advice on having a competitive advantage in the field. More specifically, they would like your analysis and recommendations on ways to bring their company culture, demographics, and technologies up to current industry practices and beyond.

Review the “How to Make a Presentation” video.

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes and visuals on every slide that includes the following elements:
o An analysis of the organization’s current culture (e.g., beliefs, expectations, values, and norms). Address how managers influence the organizational culture.
o An evaluation of the impact of demographic forces (e.g., age, gender, ethnic origin, race, sexual orientation, and social class) of your selected organization and what it could be
o Note: This is a good place to use your chart/outline/infographic from Wk 5.
o An examination of the impact of technological forces (e.g., changes in the technology managers use to design, produce, or distribute goods and services) of your selected company
o Consider how this can contribute to innovation within the industry.
o An examination on how the organization has complied with ethics and social responsibility behavior
o Recommendations of ways to innovate based on your analysis
o Summary
o References

Sample Solution







Wear Quixote

The initial segment of Don Quixote was given in 1605 and was a tremendous achievement. In 2005, after a persevering and intensive survey by abstract analysts (or I was ensured), Don Quixote was proclaimed a second century novel – a run of the mill novel. Between 400 years, analysis of Cervantes’ work and well known acknowledgment started an excursion that was as insane as Gillette. For the vast majority, the start as modest amusingness has gotten an unpredictable social and mental presentation.

See another book dependent on the soul of Cavaliers – Don Quixote. Wear Quixote was distributed by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. This story records the craving to be a knight – Don Quixote – and his longing for the quest for the knight. His concern is that he has no popular work to begin with. Dissimilar to the old stories he read, he doesn’t have a stronghold to grow or a princess to spare. Troy Helen can not safeguard. I can not assault Troy’s town. So this book wound up turning into an anecdote about this absurd – wear Quixote – and his deceptive conduct

There are essentially two various types of Castile in Don Quixote. The old Castile is just Don Quixote, however the remainder of the characters talk contemporary Spanish. The old Castilla of Don Quixote is a comical asset – he replicated the language utilized in his insane knight’s books; ordinarily he can not grasp him in light of his language when he spoke It is excessively old. This amusingness impact is presently difficult to peruse, as the peruser must have the option to recognize the two old renditions of the language, however individuals will turn out to be well known once the book is distributed. (English interpretation can be acknowledged by letting Don Quixote utilize King James Bible or Shakespeare English, and even Middle English.)

Two companions of Don Quixote, a minister and a beautician, will consume the knight’s soul at the Don Quixote library, taking into account that the goals of the valor of Don Quixote will represent a peril to him and the individuals around him I made it. At the point when wear Quijote nodded off, clerics and hair stylists consumed books. From that point onward, Don Quixote woke up and tossed questions about the nonappearance of his book. His niece said to Don Quijote, that the performer accompanied his mythical beast, and left the house with smoke by clearing out his book for the scorn of Don Quijote. So Don Quixote accepted his niece and accepted that the entertainer realized that he would beat the performer’s preferred knight and smoothed out the performer’s conduct. His niece argued him to surrender his interest, however Don Quixote wouldn’t desert the knight moral beliefs. Wear Quijote’s niece, minister and stylist feel that Don Quixote is insane, he ought to be underestimated by his presumptuous goals and energy.




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