After you have read two of the background readings (Ahammad, Glaister, Sarala, &
Glaister, 2018; Ng & Sears, 2021), and watched the Skillgigs (2019) video, write an
essay that identifies and discusses five emerging globalization trends in HRM.
Do you see these trends within your own workplace?
Rank the five in the order of their importance to your organization.
How does your organization determine which trends are the most important to its
Of the HRM trends you found in your research, but not in your organization, which
one or two do you hope to see embraced the future? Why?
Based on the readings and video resource, here are five key emerging globalization trends in HRM:
Do I see these trends within my own workplace?
(Insert your personal observations here. Consider aspects like remote work policies, diversity initiatives, training programs, use of HR data, and employee wellbeing programs in your workplace.)
Ranking the Importance:
The ranking of these trends may vary depending on your organization’s specific needs and industry. However, here’s a possible prioritization:
How does my organization determine the most important trends?
(Analyze your organization’s strategic goals, industry trends, and workforce demographics to understand how they might influence HR priorities. Consider if there are formal processes for identifying and implementing HR trends.)
Desired Trends for the Future:
Based on my research, two trends I’d like to see embraced in the future are:
The globalized workplace requires continuous adaptation in HRM practices. By embracing these emerging trends, organizations can attract and retain top talent, foster innovation, and achieve sustainable success in the global market.