Organizational Behavior

Assignment Question(s):


1.Do you agree with Bock that star performers should get a lot more—not just a little more—than average performers? If someone earning a 3 on Google’s evaluation system gets a 2 percent raise, what should employees earning 4’s and 5’s get?

2.Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers?

3.Consider all the things Google’s People Operations group does to motivate its employees. Which motivation theories do they seem to be leveraging, and how?


Discussion question: Page: -167, please see the table and read carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4.Which of the outcomes in Table 6-2are most appealing to you? Are you more attracted to extrinsic outcomes or intrinsic outcomes? Do you think that your preferences will change as you get older?






Sample Solution



The best difficulties of improvement as of now is to help the delicate states discover a path into legitimate harmony and advancement. Giving a quick and successful reaction when clashes ejects in these delicate states doesn’t offer a changeless arrangement. The explanation is that these contentions extraordinarily harms the advancement and dependability particularly the Gross Domestic Product of the nation in any event, when it occurs for a brief timeframe. The best arrangement would be instruments that attention on avoidance and moderation of the contentions in the delicate nations.

The systems to avert and decrease the furiousness would be created by joint effort of improvement gatherings and worldwide networks worried about worldwide harmony and soundness. To have the option to win the war against clashes in delicate states, the improvement network must concentrate on safety efforts, the administration and political degrees, and the social, natural and monetary extensions too. These measures can be affected in any event, when there is no approaching clash, and their criticalness will profit the concerned state and avoid overflow of savagery to the neighboring states.

As far as security matters, the improvement network ought to take part in demilitarization of the networks in struggle including the military powers and the furnished regular folks taking an interest in the progressing strife. The influenced gathering of individuals ought to be deactivated to stop the frame of mind of reprisal against the other included gatherings. Fighters, ladies and youngsters ought to be coordinated into the general public through extraordinary projects headed by expert and encouraged by the improvement network in relationship with the global network. Snappy change measures ought to be taught into the security division to sharpen the military against the negative effects, for example, reducing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), related with the contention and shakiness. The regulation of little arms and light weapons (SALW) ought to be affected quickly the advancement network locks in.

The administration and political degrees ought to be put under scrutiny to restrain their commitments towards the current emergency. Defilement claims that may have energized the contentions ought to be examined and tended to lawfully as indicated by the laws of that state, or through the International Criminal Court if the case can’t be taken care of in the nation. The ill-conceived establishments in that nation ought to be fortified through appropriate changes. For example, the decision of the legal courts may have caused contradiction between one gathering and another and in this way encouraging the grounds to start a contention. For such a case, equity through the preeminent courts ought to be affected to decrease furiousness or end the battle. The improvement network should concentrate on controling of infringement of essential human rights by the legislature or by another gathering of individuals, advancing straightforwardness and proficiency in tasks in the delicate state, the executives of injury both in the military and the individuals from the general public, reinforcing the media and the operational common social orders, arrangement of mindfulness and fundamental training to the general public, just as advancing vote based system and supporting the country’s political and regulatory activities.

What’s more, focal point of improvement group can be equipped towards checking and empowering reasonable abuse of regular assets, non-underestimation of the minority gatherings, reintegration of both the inside uprooted individuals and the evacuees into the general public. Likewise the group ought to support advancement of work openings, wellbeing, instruction, and restoring of the state’s economy.

All in all, an improvement network can have the option to move methods for activity from that of reaction to counteractive action and control of the contentions that emerge in the delicate states. It is useful to both the concerned state and the neighboring states. It yields a bigger number of advantages when avoidance is utilized instead of discovering answers for the results of the staggering clashes. Endeavors ought to be coordinated towards administration, security, political and social degrees in that state.


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