Organizational behavior





Apply Organizational behavior knowledge and skills to manage diversified culture in the organizational settings (Lo 2.2).


Reference Source:


Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Case Study: –

Case: Whole Foods
Please read the case “Whole Foods” from Chapter 11 “Team Characteristics And Diversity”
Page: – 362 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

1.What label would best describe the type of team that Whole Foods uses in its stores? Explain.

2.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Whole Foods’ hiring process with respect to managing team composition.

3.What steps could Whole Foods take to mitigate potential disadvantages of their hiring process?


Discussion Question: Please read Chapter 11 “Team Characteristics and Diversity” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4.In which types of teams have you worked? Were these teams consistent with the taxonomy of team types discussed in this chapter, or were they a combination of types?






Sample Solution




In this article, I will talk about proactive and non-proactive coaching strategies. As per the Nursing and Midwifery Council, a Mentor is an enrolled Nurse or Midwife who has effectively finished a guaranteed ‘Coach Preparation Program’ and has accomplished all the necessary abilities (NMC, 2008). To be a successful learning condition, Students need to feel in their arrangements that they are being upheld so they can create to their maximum capacity (NMC, 2008). To be a viable coach, Huybrecht et al (2011) distinguish that guides ought to have the option to give criticism, have understanding, uplifting frame of mind, time to be accessible and be energetic. They additionally noticed that there are the two focal points and drawbacks of being a tutor which incorporates expanded outstanding task at hand and time imperatives however coaches who have been steady can be helpful so less risky understudies are passed.

To be a coach, there are guidelines that all Mentors need to keep as per the NMC. This incorporates having two understudies in the previous 3 years, a tri-yearly audit, partaken in a friend survey and pondered their training as a guide (Mersey Care, 2015). I have been a pal guide to numerous understudies however being a real coach has been a charming encounter yet I have been fortunate to have an understudy who was excited and just been relegated one understudy nurture who has had the option to have the majority of my time with. I concur with the writing that there are natural elements which repress being a compelling guide including being short staffed and time imperatives.

For a Student, learning in a Clinical Area can be fulfilling and testing however a few encounters embraced can be an exercise in futility to the understudy (Baraz et al, 2015). As a major aspect of the Student Nurses course, situations are a basic part so they can pick up information and abilities with the help from the Mentor. A topic has been viewed that Mentors can be as too occupied to even consider providing the help required for that individual Student Nurses capacity. Coaches have discovered that because of staff deficiencies, diminished time and decreased number of assets that there are boundaries to showing Students (Emanuel and Pryce-Miller, 2013).

Understudies have discovered that a few Nurses will distinctly bolster and enable them to commit errors in a setting where they will in any case be esteemed and regarded. In any case, a few Nurses discover the responsibility of supporting Student Nurses dubious and don’t attempt to shroud their irritation of having a Student. On nowadays, Student Nurses felt pointless, their enthusiasm to learn was diminished and finished up them to be squandered learning days. Understudy Nurses know about how bustling the Clinical Environment can be and what truly are required are representatives not Students. This implied Students were valued by certain medical caretakers and felt as a component of a group since they were being locked in and upheld to adapt new abilities. This implied they had expanded certainty and perceived as competent in specific undertakings (Levett-Jones et al, 2008).

Unsupportive Mentors on occasion have thought little of the abilities that a Student as of now has. Another factor is that on occasion Mentors can have an excessive number of Students appointed them which implies that the Mentor can’t invest an equivalent measure of energy with every single one of them, in this way the help they need isn’t accessible (Hughes and Lyte, 2009). According to a Student Nurse, a guide might be unsupportive in light of the fact that they are not playing the job of being a Mentor genuinely. This might be on the grounds that the Mentor has not perceived the Students energy which could prompt a breakdown in correspondence and in this way influence their confidence (Kinnell and Hughes, 2010).

The Royal College of Nursing (2017) states that Students ‘ought not be put in a circumstance where sufficient degrees of help can’t be ensured.’ If the situation zone is known to be unsupportive to understudies, the zone may not be the primary spot understudies who are qualifying before long decide to come to. On the off chance that understudies have a fruitful arrangement and a strong Mentor they might be convinced to go after a position there as a Newly Qualified Nurse (Elcock and Sharples, 2011). Coaches have said that they have felt overpowered and deficiently arranged for the job and trouble rounding out their situation archive because of absence of help. (Veeramah, 2012).

To be a powerful learning condition, this should be where understudies can be permitted to find out about new aptitudes and fortes in a spot where they have a sense of security and can finish their abilities (RCN, 2002). On a ward where I work, Students can find out about how to deal with patients who have long haul conditions which is a specific region and have the chance to visit various zones which different understudies are not ready to experience, for example, finding out about Dialysis. It has been proposed that pre-enlistment understudies ought to have chances to find and participate in the changing needs of the patient (Harrison-White and King, 2015).

Understudies in my general vicinity can gain from the patients themselves as they are proficient about their condition which can enable the understudy to relate the most recent proof they have learned and how this influence the patients care (Emanuel V et al, 2011). As a guide it is significant for them to be stayed up with the latest on most recent proof since this is expressed in our code that we need to pursue.

For Nursing Students, the learning condition and the job of the tutor is critical on the grounds that this enables understudies to create information, learning and the capabilities expected to get enlisted with the NMC (Vinales, 2015).Nursing understudies who have coaches who have worked in that specific zone for quite a while can lose their abilities (Morris, 2005) which implies that Students may not ready to learn and get able in aptitudes because of them not being utilized in that forte/territory.

To make the Placement zone a progressively powerful learning condition, there should be the ideal opportunity for the coach and different individuals from experienced staffto have the option to show the understudy anyway there should be adequate time yet factors for this not happening incorporates collaboration, accessibility and correspondence (Fretwell, 1980). The understudy needs to feel that the guide possesses energy for them and this beginnings at the earliest reference point when the underlying meeting happens. They likewise need to feel that they are a piece of the group and have the option to meet individuals from the group and disclose who they are to them (Smith and Craig, 2014). The Student Nurse additionally should be educated about their job on the ward and the obligations that are normal from them

Understudies look to their coach as good examples so a few guides may utilize this as an educating strategy. This might be utilized because of time requirements on the coach anyway this may not be the most reasonable route for the understudy to learn in nature. This would include changing the conduct and methods for the understudy to be increasingly similar to the tutor, however in the event that the coach shows poor practice in the learning condition, the understudy would discover that these are the standard. Compelling tutors need to develop a connection among themselves and the understudy where the understudy doesn’t hesitate to pose inquiries without feeling imprudent (Ellis and Hartley, 2000).

Poor job demonstrating conduct would incorporate the understudy feeling like there was an air among them and the tutor and not having the option to confide in them. Positive job displaying should begin from the bedside and understudy medical caretakers ought to have events to observe how the tutor connects and partake when they feel sure (Murray and Main, 2015). As a Staff Nurse, some portion of the NMC set of principles expresses that we must be a good example to understudies and Newly Qualified Nurses (NMC, 2015).

In end if the understudy has a genius dynamic tutor, the understudy will feel sure and ready to adapt well in the clinical condition anyway because of difficulties, guides feel that they can’t fill their job to their maximum capacity. It has been brought up in the Francis report (2010) that ‘clinical arrangements can’t take on understudies or learners in regions which don’t follow crucial patient security and quality norms.’ This implies to give a protected learning condition where understudies can learn and be assed, Mentors need to confront day by day difficulties to guarantee that understudies who visit the clinical situation region get great mentorship they need and on occasion perhaps Mentors need support in this job.




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