Organizational Best Practice





Choose an organization and/or business and prepare a 7 to 8-page (2000-2300 words) paper on an organizational “best” practice”. For instance, you could choose an organization that is well known for its employee training programs. What makes this organization one of the best in the industry? How does this training empower, motivate, and educate its employees? How can another organization implement this practice?
In the past students have written on sports teams, car makers, on-line retailers, etc… any organization that has an organizational “best practice”. Again, the practice can be employee rewards, motivation, feedback, culture, etc… something that is related to organizational behavior.

1) Identify the organization and talk about its mission and vision, who leads it? Where is it located?
2) Discuss its best practice or practices (source information from books, Mergent online database, Bloomberg Terminals, EBSCO, newspapers, magazines, etc… ) — this can include sports teams, educational institutions, non-profit, government agencies, for-profit organizations, etc…
3) Tie this best practice into concepts that we have talked about during class
4) How could another organization adopt this best practice?


Sample Solution

The organization that I am focusing on in my paper is Amazon, and the best practice that I will be looking at is their employee motivation program. Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 as an online bookseller, and since then it has grown to become one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world. Their mission statement emphasizes a customer-centric approach with a focus on “delivering results” (Amazon 2020).

With regards to employee motivation, Amazon has been praised for its innovative approach which combines monetary rewards with intrinsic benefits such as “peer recognition, autonomy and job feedback” (Titelbaum et al., 2015). For instance, they have implemented a system called PayScale which allows managers to give employees bonuses based on their performance (Springer & Frehse 2016). This system helps ensure that workers are constantly being rewarded for their hard work and achievements while also creating friendly competition among colleagues.

In addition to this system, Amazon also offers its employees several other types of incentives such as health insurance coverage or tuition reimbursement programs. These benefits are designed to make sure that workers feel valued and appreciated in order to increase job satisfaction levels across all positions within the company (Springer & Frehse 2016). Furthermore, these non-monetary rewards can help create an emotionally supportive workplace culture where employees feel like they can grow personally along with professionally.

Overall, Amazon’s use of motivational techniques has played an important role in its success over the years. By leveraging both traditional financial incentives as well as more modern approaches such as peer recognition or career development opportunities they have been able to create an effective working environment where everyone feels like a valuable part of their team.


The Revenge of Montressor

“Amontirado’s wooden barrel” is a frightfulness short story composed by Edgar Allan Poe. The tale of this retribution starts with Montresor, one of the legend. Montresor vows to vindicate his companion Futunato who is another hero. What is the genuine purpose behind his vengeance? “I attempted to bear a thousand people at Fortunato yet when I risked offending me as though I swear retribution,” Poe opened up a story.

In the barrel of Amontillado, Edgar Allen Poe demonstrated the subject of vengeance. In the story, Montressor recounts to a story, feels that he is limited by Fortunado, vows to fight back against him. Montressor attempted to demonstrate his future wrongdoing to the peruser. “At the point when retaliation surpasses that entertainer, that slip-up will be unraveled, and it was not in like manner recognized when the Avengers didn’t cause themselves to feel an inappropriate individual.” (Poe 101) Fortunado said he I didn’t realize that he offended him. It is Montressor’s mix-up. Montressor thought he was sufficient to take care of. “I attempted to persevere through 1,000 harmed individuals at Fortunard, yet when he offended me and faced the challenge of promises to swear retribution” (Poe 101) Idea of ??revenge is … More

“Amontirado’s wooden barrel” is a repulsiveness short story composed by Edgar Allan Poe. The narrative of this vengeance starts with Montresor, one of the legend. Montresor promises to vindicate his companion Futunato who is another hero. What is the genuine purpose behind his vengeance? “I attempted to persevere through a thousand people at Fortunato, however when I gambled offending me to fight back,” Poe opened up a story.

AMONTILLADO ‘s CASK Edgar Allen Poe’ s Amontillado Cask is a tale about dread and vengeance. The clouded side of humankind is reflected in the job of Montres and its casualty Fortunato. The story starts with Montressor’s promise of retribution. When Montresor stated, this was demonstrated in the primary sentence: “I am one thousand of Futunat that I can stand to hurt, yet when he is offended, I will fight back I swore … “Individuals … – Amitilyad’s wooden barrel by Edgar Allan Poe? Amontillado’s wooden barrel? “Edgar Allan Poe makes us angry.The incline utilizes explicit components to pass on passionate influence.He is evil utilizing parody, enlightening setting subtleties, and dull character characteristics Some individuals utilize the slant additionally Some individuals said the storyteller is the main on-screen character of profound support.




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