Organizational Change Chart



Choose an organization such as Samsung, Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management that implemented a major change. For example, a sustainability initiative at Starbucks or Apple making FaceTime available to non-Apple users.

Analyze the organization’s change process based on Kotter’s 8 Steps to Leading Change using the Organizational Change Chart. Make sure to complete a new analysis, do not copy any information from a previous week.

Consider questions such as the following as you complete your analysis:

Do you think this was a positive organizational change? Why or why not?
What strategies and tactics do you think would be effective in creating positive organizational change?
What strategies and tactics might have worked better?

Sample Solution

the only student in her English class to read the novel, so she was the only student interacting with Bruce during that class period. Her father said to her “You’re the only one in that class worth teaching” and she said back to him, “It’s the only class I have worth taking” (Bechdel 199). The dynamic between Alison and Bruce in a classroom setting shows how literature reinforces a connection between the two. The relationship between Alison and Bruce grew because of their admiration of literature. She spends a lot of her time discussing novels with her father, sharing their ideas and views. Sadly, this is one of the few ways Alison and Bruce are able to communicate. Bruce gave her a copy of a novel, which includes lesbian themes. Alison was shocked that her father suggested she read this book, as she hadn’t come out to her father yet. By giving her this novel, there was a spark of connection between the two that allowed them to open up to each other to speaking about their sexuality. Additionally, Alison discovered she is a lesbian shortly before Bruce’s death. Her awakening was sparked by literature. Alison spent her days in the public library reading about homosexuality, going to meetings called “gay union” and dating girls. Also, one great example is found when Bechdel describes her father using with literature she read (64). At this point in the memoir, she is describing how her father is not unlike Gatsby from The Great Gatsby. She goes on to say that her father even looked like Robert Redford in his portrayal of Gatsby in the 1974 film. Based on this analysis, literature plays a significant role in shaping the personalities and sexual orientation of Alison and her father.

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