Organizational Crisis Plan



Prepare an essay that assesses the lessons you learned by recognizing the adaptive, in lieu of the technical, nature of the decisions that you made while
engaged in the Patient Zero simulation.
Analyze how you avoided the trap of seeking technical solutions to adaptive problems by developing a capacity to become comfortable with the discomfort
that comes with tackling difficult adaptive challenges when facing an unfolding crisis within a virtual team. Develop and embed a figure in your paper that
explores leadership, mediated communication, trust, and motivation in the global virtual team’s project phases.

Sample Solution

The Patient Zero simulation was an eye-opening experience for me, as it allowed me to recognize the adaptive nature of effective decision-making in a crisis situation. As a leader within the virtual team, I had to come to terms with the uncomfortable feeling of tackling difficult challenges without having all of the answers. At first, my instinct was to reach for technical solutions in order to gain control over the situation and ensure that our project would be successful. However, through trial and error I eventually realized that real progress could only be achieved by approaching our task from an adaptive perspective (Friedman & Currie, 2020).

Adaptive decision making requires looking beyond traditional solutions and encourages leaders to find creative ways around obstacles during uncertain times (Friedman & Currie, 2020). This involves finding common ground amongst diverse opinions while also building trust among team members who may not have established relationships beforehand (Cummings et al., 2019). It is essential that leaders understand their own communication style while also gaining insight into how others prefer to communicate in order receive proper feedback on their work (Corley & Finkbeiner, 2018). The sense of motivation that comes with succeeding amidst adversity can make any team stronger if harnessed properly (Eccles et al., 2020). Ultimately each member has valuable skillsets and perspectives which should be taken into consideration when crafting decisions as a group.


Figure 1: Adaptive Leadership in Global Virtual Teams
Source: Friedman & Currie,2020)

In conclusion, this simulation provided me with an opportunity explore my leadership abilities while operating within a global virtual team across multiple phases of development. Through recognizing the adaptive nature of problem-solving I was able learn important lessons concerning how build trust between colleagues ,motivate virtual teams ,and successfully mediate communication styles during crises situations . This newfound knowledge will undoubtedly prove beneficial throughout both academic discussions and future job opportunities alike .

ng rent, whereas Americans dedicate 26 percent of their income to living expenses (Fein, 1989). The Soviets denounced the existence of poverty in their country up until Gorbachev’s leadership, and instead claimed that poverty was only brought on by capitalism. The large number of people who were experiencing economic hardships sought for change in the USSR. Despite Soviet officials claiming that the poverty was caused by laziness, many believe that poverty was brought on by the economic state of the USSR. The economy under Gorbachev suffered immensely, causing over 20 million people to live impoverished lives (Fein, 1989). The communist Soviet Union crumbled soon afterward.

A defining factor of a capitalist economy is its economic freedom. The five most economically free nations are Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Australia according to the Index of Economic Freedom (2018). Hong Kong is a part of China, yet the only things the Chinese government controls in Hong Kong is foreign relations and the military. The population grew in Hong Kong from 600, 000 to 6 million in fifty years (Friedman, 1998). This population growth was due to people fleeing from the communist state of China to Hong Kong. A major downside to reduced economic freedoms, is the reduced political freedom that typically comes with it. Both issues have gradually diminished in China since the height of their communist reign. It’s evident that people prefer freedom over control from the fact that people fled from their controlling to country, to a free country.

Friedman has said that Hong Kong has a Laissez-faire economy because government economic spending in Hong Kong is at most 15 percent of the national income (1998). Laissez-faire is French for “let it do”. In relation to economics, Laissez-faire refers to minimal interference in economics by governments. Hong Kong is very close to having a laissez-faire economy, which has its benefits. Hong Kong is very small in size, and therefore has very few natural resources; despite this, Hong Kong’s economy is booming. Its gross domestic product, GDP, per capita is the 17th highest in the world, at $61, 400 (The World Factbook, 2017). A high GDP per capita indicates a high standard of living because there is a large amount of economic output per person. The higher the GDP per capita is, the more likely it is that the public is satisfied with their country, which subsequently leads to a lower likelihood of political uprisings.



Unlike Marx’s theory that capitalism is only a stage that is overthrown by people who seek out communism after their dissatisfaction with capitalism, the Soviet Union was dissolved because people were unhappy with the communist system. The non-competitive nature of communism has negative implications on all tiers. The working class knows they are guaranteed the same benefits regardless of h

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