Organizational psychology



Write an essay on a topic or theme of organisational psychology taken from the Organizational Psychology (OP) syllabus. Structure your essay using the following framework.

1. Review the current standard position on your chosen topic by outlining the main points of related academic theory. Your essay should refer to up to date literature. Cite the references you use, observing standard citation conventions. (25%)

2. Examine the topic critically from an academic perspective. For example, you are encouraged to highlight and discuss the main points of debate that surround different academic theories relating to the topic. (25%)

3. Discuss the extent to which these key theories on this topic are relevant/applicable to an organisation or group of organisations in a country with which you are familiar. Provide specific examples of relevant organisational practice/psychology/behaviour when seeking to discuss the relevance/applicability of these theories to the organisation/s. You may choose to refer to your actual or prospective role in the organization in this aspect of the discussion. (50%)

The essay must be in 3,000 words in length and must be word-processed (maximum word limit 3,000 words).

 Further advice shall be provided by the module convenor and the Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) during lecture and tutorial sessions.

 Contact information: Dr Farhad Hossain, Room 1.019, Arthur Lewis Building. Phone: +44 161 275 2816, E-mail: [email protected]

 Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs):
– Abdullah Albagieh, Email: [email protected]
– Ibrahim Al Oqail, Email: [email protected]
– Mohammad Hasan, Email: [email protected]

Dr Farhad Hossain
Module Convenor
Organizational Psychology, Management and Change (Semester One)

Sample Solution

who gain commitment from this group of members to this direction and who then motivate these members to achieve the direction’s outcomes. On exploring the interlink between the culture of an organisation and the leadership styles, several factors come into account like organisational culture, transactional as well as transformational leadership styles. Voon, et al., (2011) had conducted a research and understood about the influence leadership has on the workforce of an organisation. Several factors like wages, job security as well as autonomy and flexibility at office were used. They concluded that transformational leadership style had a better direct relationship with job satisfaction. Transformational Leadership The transformational leadership style focuses on the nurturing of the respective followers as well as on what they actually need. This concept was first brought down by James MacGregor Burns, et al., (1978) in which he insists on the fact that how transforming leadership is a process in which “leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation”. The leaders with transformational leadership style pay attention to growth and development of the value system of the workers, with their ingenuity level and ethics with the prologue of their capability. The extent of a transformational leader can be measured by the fact that how well can that individual influence the performance and motivate the follower. As suggested by Bass, et al., (1977) that the primary aim of a transformational leader is to ‘transform’ the employees as well as the company in the very literal manner, that is to change the way of their thinking in the mind and heart as well as broadening their vision and insight. It also means changing their way of comprehension making their behaviour in sync with the values of the organisation. This henceforth leads to changes deep within which are permanent in nature, self-sustaining and also builds a sense of momentum. Conclusion It is thus observed from the above and several literary texts, that all the researches that are done are related to the large sectors, which further indicate that the different styles of leadership, commitment towards the organisation as well as satisfaction at workplace are all dependent on each other. Therefore it can be concluded that the different styles of leadership directly impacts the quality and nature of work life in an organisation. The followers of a transformational leader harvest a sense of trust, loyalty, respect as well as admiration, which gradually builds up towards the leader and in light of the calibre of the transformational leader; the followers are ready to work more intensely than expected by the leader. Such an outcome eventually occurs as the transformational leader extends their followers something much more important than just working for one’s own benefit; an inspirational mission and vision is offer

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