Organizational Strategy and Design


Evaluate the organizational design of a business using strategic management principles.


Congratulations! You are the new general manager of the Turul Winery based on the FLIGBY simulation theme and gameplay. As the new general manager of the Turul Winery, you will need to quickly assess the state of the organization from a strategic perspective. You will utilize internal strategic analysis tools to evaluate the overall organizational design of the Turul Winery business. You will analyze the organization to build intelligence on its organizational structure, governance, policies, systems, organizational culture, talent pool, resources, capabilities, and the business’s core competencies.

Your goal is to demonstrate skill and expertise in assessing and planning a results-oriented organizational (corporate level) strategy focused on resilience, efficiency, and innovation to ensure competitive advantage, sustainability, and growth. You will use the results of these analyses to inform the development of a strategic report due to the owner of Turul Winery in 2 weeks’ time. Use the following criteria to evaluate the organizational design of the business and to create the strategic report



Sample Solution

Variety marks are those marks where a particular tone or blend of varieties is related with an item or brand and takes more time to the first source. Albeit graphical portrayal may not be an obstacle for variety marks, they are not effectively allowed. Segment 10 of Trade Marks Act, 1999 discussions about enlistment of a variety blend yet just when such variety mix is available in a generally customary logo or imprint so the variety is optional and the plan of the imprint is the essential thing to get enrolled as an exchange mark. Basically the Act can safeguard a specific imprint in a specific variety blend however not simply the variety. Nonetheless, the Act doesn’t reject tones and variety blends from the domain of the meaning of exchange mark by the same token. Another deterrent confronted is the Functionality Doctrine. Its says that a tone can’t be a brand name assuming the variety is useful in nature. Under this ‘usefulness regulation’, assuming the component of the item for which assurance is looked for is helpful or influences the expense or the nature of the article, with the end goal that giving brand name security to the element would put contenders in a tough spot, the element isn’t qualified for brand name insurance. For instance, a court held that dark when utilized on detachable boat engines fills a useful need, since dark is viable with any remaining boat tones and furthermore in light of the fact that dark causes the engine to seem more modest. The principal effective instance of variety brand name was in the US. In Qualitex Co. v Jacobson Products Company, Inc. the candidate organization had been involving an exceptional shade of green-gold for their laundry press cushions since the 1950s. In 1989, Jacobson Products Co. begun utilizing a fundamentally the same as shade of green-gold on its own press cushions. Qualitex Co. got it’s shade of green-gold reserved and furthermore sued Jacobson for encroachment. One more issue looked by variety marks is the chance of there being case over shades of a similar variety. An answer for this issue is assignment of a variety utilizing a universally perceived distinguishing proof code like Pantone as such codes are considered to be exact and stable. The Pantone is a business framework that assigns explicit shades mathematically and arranges north of thousand such shades by remarkable codes. Tiffany and Co’s. special shade of blue ‘Tiffany Blue’ has been an enrolled brand name starting around 1998 and furthermore has its own custom Pantone number – 1837, the year the organization was established. T-Mobile’s variety ‘Fuchsia’, Mattel’s ‘Barbie Pink’, UPS’s ‘Pullman Brown’ are a few additional instances of variety marks. India is yet to set priority, all things considered.

Smell Mark
Smell marks or Olfactory imprints depend on their unmistakable smell to help the customers to remember the source for example the brand or the maker of the item. When particular, a smell is perhaps the most remarkable way to separate the products of one shipper from those of the other. Smell marks are quite possibly the most troublesome sort of imprint to get enlisted. Be that as it may, smell being so abstract, might be seen contrastingly by various individuals. The subjectivity of smell goes about as a deterrent in its peculiarity. Another issue is the trouble in graphically addressing smells. One method for addressing a smell could be to orally depict it so definitively that it doesn’t get mistaken for some other smell, yet this is a seriously difficult errand. Composing the synthetic recipe for the substance is tricky as the equation addresses the substance and not simply the smell. Tests of the smell could be put away however these may either disappear over the long run or change their tendency when presented to specific outer variables like hotness and stickiness. One more significant thing to note is that the aroma must neither begin from the actual merchandise nor be practical. Usefulness Doctrine again assumes a part here and in the event that any smell has a utilitarian use, the enrollment of which could prompt critical detriment to contenders, such smell might be disbarred from enlistment. Be that as it may, there is no obvious definition for usefulness. For instance, the smell of lemon for trash plastic sacks; the actual smell can be unmistakable, yet it can likewise be utilitarian since it can veil the smell of waste and trash. Design house Chanel’s application to get its famous scent Chanel No. 5 reserved was dismissed as it was the substance of the item. The

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