Organizational Theory

Organizational Theory Four Theoretical Contributions – Alberto Matus

Assess the driving forces which are actively changing your organization and industry. Evaluate how a traditional approach to strategy making serves or inhibits your organization’s responsiveness to those changes. Evaluate the potential for strategy-as-practice and teaming approaches to improve an organization’s capacity for sustainability and competitiveness through adaptability.

Article on military culture and how its changing:

Article on the military’s traditional approach to strategy:


Sample Solution

This paper describes the major forces influencing change in the financial system and identifies some of their implications. From extant literature, four crucial factors driving change are delineated as globalization; technology; consumer needs and demands; and financial innovation. While this chapter addresses these factors distinctly, they interact with and affect one another. For instance, the emergence of global competitors in Australian markets partly enabled them to access Australian consumers. Similarly, consumer demand for certain financial products, such as securitized home mortgages, has been stimulated by technological developments that have made those products both feasible and accessible to customers.

ertain regularity of tones grants individual the ability to talk about creation of joyful, sad, and all other emotions. The essential goal of advertising is to relate the reaction to music with the response to the product – to indicate the unconditioned stimulus (US) (music that the receiver likes) with the conditioned stimulus (CS) (product), so that the CS (product) is able to, even without the presence of music, achieve the conditioned reaction (CR) (pleasure, satisfaction, etc).
Colours are amongst the most important symbolic languages of advertising. They appeal directly to ones’ feelings and stimulate emotions. Combinations of colours help us to create fictitious worlds. The relationship of colours with attributes from the external world leads to setting of myth related to the advertised product (Williamson, 2010). Psychologists indicated that the effects of colours can be defined by connection with the world around us and they are a matter of spirit (Vysekalova, 2007), occultism seeks relations between colours, numbers and sets of notes on a musical scale. Although the features and also the individual perception of colour slightly differ across cultures and historical periods, scientific researches on colours taste gives allowance to come to certain conclusions, which may be generally applicable.


In conclusion, receivers of advertising may not be a group that shares common features/characteristics; therefore, their interpretations of particular product will always vary. In addition to Eco’s theory of the open work this concept is also related to the statements of Stuart Hall that identified how crucial groups and sub-groups of the society bring their own experience into the process of rendition. For instance, perception of the works is affected by individual pursuits and opinions, but also by present state of attention. The involvement of intellect during watching advertisements is constrained; this fact has been confirmed also by the research of some Psychologists. Emotional, automated brain processes that have been defined as System 1 correspond with the setting of the spectators that is related to common reception of any advertisement – they watch it with deep thought, react to it more emotionally instead of ra

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