Organizations and Liability



Vance Armstrong was the sole incorporator of Triathlon Training Inc., a corporation designed to operate a training center for triathletes of all ages. The business was incorporated according to Florida law in January 2015, with Armstrong as the sole director and shareholder. Armstrong contributed $20,000 of starting capital, which was just enough to make minor repairs to the property he purchased for $400,000 with a loan from the bank. The corporation had no liability insurance. On June 15, 2015, the center opened for business. Over the next few months, the corporation operated with a profit.
In July, Armstrong took a two-week vacation in France and used a check written on the company bank account to purchase his airline ticket. In September, Armstrong decided to have the pool resurfaced. Because business had slowed and the corporation’s bank account did not have sufficient funds, Armstrong wrote a personal check to cover the work. Armstrong feared he would not make enough money through the winter to turn a profit, so he decided to work a part-time job selling fitness equipment as an independent contractor for Bowflex. Armstrong used the training center’s office phone to make calls, the copy machine for copies, and the computer for searches. He made a substantial profit, which was maintained in a third bank account not associated with Triathlon Training or his personal account.
On April 1, 2016, a child with a mild learning disability drowned in the pool while training for the local children’s triathlon. The parents brought a suit for wrongful death against Triathlon Training Inc. and against Armstrong in his individual capacity as owner. At the time of the suit, the corporation had less than $2,500 in its bank account. Because of these limited funds, the child’s parents hoped to recover most of their damages directly from Armstrong, who lived in a mansion on the beach.

Will the parents be successful in holding Triathlon Training Inc. liable for the child’s death?
What should the parents argue in order to hold Vance Armstrong liable in his individual capacity? Will the parents prevail? Why or why not?
How could Armstrong have protected himself against this type of potential liability?
Scenario III—Insider Trading

During a session with her doctor, Billy Mooney, Maggie Mason mentioned in confidence the imminent merger of Walgreens with Rite-Aid. Mason’s ex-husband, Gus Mason, was on the board of directors at Walgreens. Mooney communicated the information to a securities broker, Olive Green, who immediately made trades in Walgreen’s securities for her own account and for her customers’ accounts.

Did Mooney, Maggie Mason, Gus Mason, or Olive Green engage in illegal insider trading? Explain the potential culpability of each party. Include possible civil or criminal penalties for each party.
Was the conduct of the parties ethical?




Sample Solution


What is the image of the ‘point’ of human life verifiable in Marx’s talk of “distance”, and how does this image diverge from the perspectives of Epicurus? Clarify which of the two perspectives you discover increasingly conceivable and why.

The reason for this paper is to assess the differentiating perspectives of Marx and Epicurus for an upbeat and significant life, and at last help the perspective of Marx over that of Epicurus, since it is increasingly applicable in current occasions and a method for live.

This paper will create two contentions, by which Epicurus will differ with Marx. The first is that Marx’s idea is for the most part identified with materialistic contemplations, where Epicurus centers around consideration, delight, and kinship. Also, Marx does not view individuals as savvy, where for Epicurus knowledge is the most significant thing throughout everyday life.

As per Marx, with the rise and advancement of private enterprise individuals work to live and they pick work to bear the cost of different things, not for the work itself. They identify with an item that isn’t identified with them and are tossed into “constrained work”, which separate them from human instinct (p. 2). In this manner, Marx sees significance in the connection between work, generation and reality with human instinct (p. 3). One is estranged from his/her creations and he/she is headed out from his/her tendency, and thus from other people, at that point “nature is removed” (p. 3). Since everyone is utilized in the machine of practical powers one can’t perceive any in reality free individuals to relate with “one man is distanced to another, similarly as every one of them is estranged from human instinct” (p. 4). Marx objects to private enterprise. He accepts such a monetary framework is second rate as it prompts antagonizing individuals from their creation, or “distance of the thing”, from the demonstration of generation “the relationship of the laborer to his very own movement as an outsider action”, from their human species and from other individuals (pp. 2, 3). In this manner, Marx trusts that what makes us human is the cognizant capacity we must be innovative in a widespread demonstration of generation (p.3). In this way, free enterprise denies one from being a human. Be that as it may, as per Marx the importance and joy of life are inserted and identified with materialistic contemplations. One is troubled, in light of the fact that he/she delivers “products” and he/she isn’t identified with them (Marx, 1844, p. 1). Free enterprise prompts distance of item, and this prompts every other estrangement that Marx discusses, which makes one’s life troubled. In this way, on the off chance that he was identified with those wares, he would be upbeat. In this way, as indicated by Marx, exercises and items are basic for our joy.

Epicurus’ idea is based on a quest for delight, which one could consider with the end of mental and physical agony. He considers knowledge to be the most important ideals of all. Where, the most valuable thing that intelligence could achieve is fellowship, from every one of the “implies that insight gets… the most essential is companionship” (Epicurus 2, p. 2). In this manner, Epicurus focuses its talk on the significance of a non-materialistic world. He trusts in a single living admirably, decently and fairly with coordinated interests toward serenity of the brain. This is the thing that Epicurus sees as a pleasurable and glad life “we consider delight the alpha and omega of a cheerful life” (Epicurus 1, p. 2). In this manner, Epicurus will differ with Marx. Items, regardless of how made, ought not be of preliminary significance for one to be upbeat. Fellowship is something that can not be essentially delivered, but rather is a set up association with another individual, through normal interests, dreams, discourses, inconsequential to material generation.

Marx trusts that individuals are not upbeat in an entrepreneur’s general public, since they are dehumanized and distanced from everything in their life. In this way, Marx discusses a general demonstration of generation that empowers one to feel as a “free being” (Marx, 1844, p. 3). In any case, none of his contentions views one as a shrewd person. Additionally, he says that private enterprise and large scale manufacturing prompts “idiocy and cretinism for the specialist” (Marx, 1844, p. 2). His idea depends on the connection of people to their temperament, and subsequently closer to their senses. Therefore, their having a place with the common is generous and it is before a procedure of dynamic thinking in their life. In Marx’s words, in wording one to be glad, he/she should be for the most part dynamic physically, not on a psychological dimension. Nonetheless, one could be scholarly, when he/she works and his/her protest of work is “typification”. This “generalization”, then again, is identified with the nonattendance of estrangement from one’s generation (Marx, 1844, p. 3). Where, Epicurus’ thought regarding pleasurable life is profoundly tied with the idea of one being shrewd. He says that an astute man or lady, that at last would be an upbeat man or lady will dependably consider what he/she does in his/her life and “most prominent interests… will be, coordinated by reason all through his [her] entire life” (Epicurus 2, p. 1). Hence, Epicurus trusts that there is no such thing as a shot in the life of a savvy man or lady. In the event that an astute man or lady is encountering “disaster” in his/her life that is greatly improved than”prosperity of a trick” (Epicurus 2, p. 2). In this manner, if Marx does not view individuals as shrewd, on the off chance that they conquer the industrialist’s machine of dehumanization, it would be a possibility, and their joy would not be a genuine bliss, as indicated by Epicurus.

Anyway as I would see it, living in an overwhelming western entrepreneur society, compels individuals in the manner in which that Marx depicts. In the event that you inquire as to whether I am cheerful, I will never clarify it as far as different feelings or delights, torment or intelligence. I will discuss my experience as an individual, what I accomplished throughout everyday life, school and vocation. I will disclose it with connections to other people throughout my life. This does not imply that I wear not have a real existence of reason, or I am not utilizing my scholarly capacities throughout my life. Regardless of whether something occurs by chance in my life I would acknowledge and appreciate it indistinguishable path from everything that I have arranged. Along these lines, I trust that what we feel characterizes our life. When we talk about bliss and delight, those thoughts appear to be foolhardy thought. An amazing significance is an inclination about what I will leave after me, what I will accomplish and how I will contribute in to this world. Does not generally make a difference how something occurs in our life, in the event that it makes us feel finish and in contact with our senses and nature, as Marx would concur. Besides, connection to a widespread work and generation is the thing that better characterizes my vision for the world we live in.

Going to work these days is an absolute necessity for one to keep up in any event fundamental expectations for everyday comforts. We don’t invest enough energy with our families and companions. We are subjugated throughout everyday life, planned by our work. Along these lines, we invest so much energy accomplishing something, which results in items and administrations having a place with another person. Additionally, the social structure that we are a piece of makes work, creation and utilization more critical than our temperament as human and social creatures. As I would see it, regardless of how much reason and knowledge we put in our activities, we will characterize our life, by our efficiency, relations to nature and material contemplations which subsequently is a lot nearer to Marx’s idea.


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