Organization’s communication function



What advice would you give a leader who wants to improve his or her organization’s communication function so that it is more effective during a crisis?\

Classmate 1: I think the most important thing a organization can do to be effective during a crisis is to train for it. Plan ahead – have a crisis team that meets a couple of times a year to talk about how a crisis will be handled. Discuss and make a plan for how the crisis will be communicated and what exactly the company will do. Plans need to be made to prevent the crisis and if they fail the plan will map out what will take place to handle the crisis so it is not a hug blow to the company. At the bank where I work we have a crisis team. They meet more than twice a year and is made up of one person from each department. They make up a “mock” crisis and pretend to solve it. This shows them where the weaknesses are in the current plan and then changes are made to the crisis plan. Mostly, these are cyber type situations where maybe a virus made it through the firewall and the bank has had a breach. These trainings show where the communication needs to be stronger and who needs to be included in the communication. It also shows the company where more trainings need to be done. The biggest part of this is communication and practice.

Classmate 2: here are many things that leaders can do in order to help communication during a crisis. The first this is to have a plan in place for if a crisis does happen. This helps sure you communication and directs everyone to one place with guidance on how to handle the situation. The most important this to do is be present and be a strong leader for your employees during a crisis. Leaders at the top level need to be available and need to be open to the public to show that the company is taking the crisis seriously. Being honest and as truthful as possible with any questions that come up about the crisis will make sure communication remains intact and trusted during those times. I think that being able to show you’re followers and most likely the public that you are willing to answer the hard questions and no be entirely reactionary or opposite that, reclusive, you are demonstrating that you are a strong leader even in the face of an adverse crisis.


Sample Solution

is a reflection of practice on an incident that I attended where I will critically evaluate and reflect on the application of leadership, coaching and mentoring styles that have been used. (2018) “Standard of conduct, performance and ethics” states that a paramedic should be able to designate, instruct and monitor task to other to help them expand their knowledge and understand, as well as to increase their skills to help others. I will be using the reflective cycle by Gibbs to understand and explain my understanding (Gibbs, 1988)


I attended a suspected stabbing (see appendix 1) and was the attendant where I used an authoritative leadership style towards the patient (Feldman et al., 2011). I was crewed with a paramedic who took on a laissez-faire leadership style (Bass, B.M., & Riggio, R.E. 2006). Further resources attending shortly after consisted of the Operational Manager (OM) who took on a laissez-faire approach allowing the crew to deal with the patient and for the paramedic to turn to a more coaching role (Whitmore and McFarlane, 2017). The Medical Emergency Response Incident Team (MERIT) arrived shortly at the same time as the OM adopted an autocratic approach (Blaber and Harris, 2014).


I was very nervous as this was the first stabbing I had attended but felt reassured as I had experienced staff around me if I required help.

Evaluation and analysis

Zenger, Folkman & Stinnett (2010) suggest that a leader in a situation doesn’t actively choose what style of leadership they are adopting, but instead draw on their past experiences as to how best choose a style and how to adapt it if required. Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2013) state that a good leader knows the different leadership styles and what style is best to use for what situation. The authors go on to state that a good leader is able to change their leadership style if they feel that their style is not working and to choose a more appropriate style to get the best out of those around them. In the situation I was faced with, the patient was intoxicated, standing in a bus stop talking to those around him. Arriving on scene we were not aware of the full extent to the emergency, as I needed to keep the patient calm and required him to cooperate with us, I took on an authoritative leadership role. Feldman et al (2011) states that an authoritative style helps to inspire others into doing what is required and often uses the phrase “come with me” when you want someone to do something. This worked well at first with the patient to gain their trust in me as a clinician so that I was able speak to

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