Read the How Outsourcing Practices Are Changing in 2020 (Links to an external site.) article from InfoQ.
• After reading the article and chapter 10:
o Provide your opinion for the pros and cons of outsourcing.
o Do you consider outsourcing to be more beneficial for small business? or do you think larger enterprises could benefit as well?
Outsourcing Practices Are Changing in 2020
The outsourcing is undergoing a digitally disruptive change in 2020. The technologies that are now erupting in the digital ecosystem will seep deep within and influence the majority of outsourcing operations. Agile development will become more close-knit with digital tools. The pros of outsourcing include: you don’t have to hire more employees; access to a larger talent pool; and lower labor cost. The cons include: lack of control; communication issues; and problems with quality. As a small business, outsourcing allows you to get more done and trust important tasks and processes to professionals, without having to actually grow your full-time team in a significant way.
between vocalization latencies of single word decoding and reading comprehension. The result suggested that skilled comprehenders take shorter time for single word decoding than are less skilled reading comprehenders. They argue that skilled readers are performed significantly greater for decoding low frequency words, pseudo words and overall understanding of text. In addition, good readers recognize words and break the code automatically. This account is consistent with the finding of Ehri (2005). She argued that while reading people practically focus on every word rather than phoneme because phonemes may have more than one pronunciation. In addition, single grapheme cannot relate the word with meaning, while written word directly related. So the key of skilled reading is accurately and automatically decodes the written word (Ehri, 2005).
Why phonological awareness and decoding skills are not sufficient in becoming skilled reader
Skilled reading is not only depends on a single skill. In fact a wide range of skills involve with developing efficient reading. In early psychology studies, reading always considers as a complex higher mental activity, which includes thinking, judging, evaluating, imagining, problem solving, and reasoning (Gates, 1949, cited in Hoover & Gough, 1990). In counterpoint, it is also evident in early research that reading certainly involves above listed higher mental processes but if someone cannot able to read, it will be impossible for him to process those (Fries, 1963, cited in Hoover & Gough, 1990). Thus, early language based models, which discussed in earlier section focus on two distinguished levels. One is phonological and decoding level, another is comprehension level (Gough and Tummer, 1986; Hoover and Gough, 1990). In the simple view of reading, comprehension defined as an ability to interpret semantic information based on graphic representation arriving through eyes (Hoover & Gough, 1990). Cain (2010) argued that to become skilled reader the ability to decode individual words of a text and the ability to comprehend the passage both are equally needed. Becoming skille