Overcoming Obstacles

With each word being worth 10 cents, write four $12 summaries of the reading from any four of the following chapters in Courageous Faith:

Chapter 2 – Overcoming Obstacles
Chapter 3 – When Dreams and Heroes Die
Chapter 4 – Becoming a Leader
Chapter 6 – No More Excuses
Chapter 8 – Facing Your Weaknesses
Chapter 9 – Reaching Out to Others
Chapter 10 – Realizing Your Goals
Chapter 12 – Standing Up for What You Believe
This means that in this assignment you are developing four summaries of 120 words each (one for each of the four chapters you selected). You should aim to create four summaries where each summary is between 100-120 words. Each of your summaries should not exceed the 120-word or $12 limit.



Sample Solution

Learn to face life`s greatest challenges with courageous faith in the power of God. Faith is the key that unlocks the power of God in our lives. It enables us to live by His promises and experience His blessings in our personal life. In Courageous Faith, Ed Hindson encourages us to live beyond the normal limits of life and experience the unlimited power of God in a regular basis. Based on the lives of the Hebrews heroes of the Old Testament, this exciting book encourages us to overcome our barriers, conquer our fears, realize our goals, and start over when we fail.

evil demonstration of an ethnic gathering methodicallly killing another ethnic gathering they live among. In my own story, the causal connection between ethnic clash and slaughter envelops thoughts of each of the three methodologies, which is a widened idea of expansionism that incorporates ethnically unmistakable minorities efficiently oppressed by one more ethnic gathering inside their states. A term I’ll use as ‘intracolonialism’ is the act of complete political and financial mastery of one ethnic gathering over another/others inside a state. The development of intracolonialism inside states was taken from the idea of colonization. In spite of the fact that gatherings have been colonizing different gatherings for a long time, Western Europeans were the most persuasive colonizers as they were first to colonize almost the whole world. Utilizing the British colonization of North America and the decimation they performed onto the Native American populace for instance, it initially started with the publicity of ‘othering’ the local populace. As strain between the locals and the British pilgrim power heightened, British/American powers methodicallly killed Native populaces for land use, gold mining, or other intolerable reasons. This hyper mobilized model of colonization has been recreated in many colonized regions across the globe and, due to the authoritative idea of western culture, has impacted different societies on the most proficient method to ‘appropriately’ rule. Ethnic struggle happens in practically all pieces of the earth, however when one ethnic gathering combines greater part of the power, dread and fierceness lead to fanaticism. Hence, Intracolonization, like colonization, is an essential to ethnic slaughter.

Vital and Sufficient Conditions
Because of the incidental idea of massacre, how late destructive investigations has created, and how little information is accessible, it is challenging to say precisely exact thing the important and adequate circumstances are for ethnic slaughter to happen. That being said, for my hypothetical result, I can deduce that to go from ethnic struggle to decimation, it is first vital for their to be a legitimate system. Utilizing a more limited meaning of dictatorship from the Cambridge word reference as, “the conviction that individuals should obey totally and not be permitted opportunity to go about as they wish,” we can infer that it would be totally ne

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