Pacemaker/ICD Case


Mr. Wesley Black is brought to the emergency department by ambulance following an episode of syncope at a local restaurant. The nurse is assessing the client. Mr. Black reports for the past 22 weeks he has been experiencing weakness. He states, “It is getting so hard for me just to get my mail form the mailbox now. I don’t know what is wrong with me.” The nurse assesses the following vital signs: temperature is 98.6 F, pulse rate is 50 and regular, respirations are 28 breaths per minute, and blood pressure is 88/54. Mr. Black acknowledges that he is feeling anxious. The client has the following rhythm:

1. What is the rhythm shown?
2. What other questions would you like to ask Mr. Black as part of your initial assessment?
3. It is determined that Mr. Black will require a permanent pacemaker (PPM). What is the outcome of having the pacer placed? Will it correct the underlying problem?
4. What preoperative instructions will you give Mr. Black regarding placement of his pacemaker? What postoperative activity and instructions will you provide to Mr. Black? He states, “I have always heard you cannot get near a microwave oven. Is this true… Are there any other precautions around machinery that I need to follow?”
5. What are common complications following a pacemaker insertion that you need to assess for?

6. You admitted a client, Mr. Smith, who had the following rhythm for a period of time. He is now normal sinus rhythm. The client is scheduled for an AICD insertion. What is the rhythm below? How will an AICD help this patient?

-What is the rhythm?
-Explain AICD?
-Benefits of AICD?
7. What are some indications for a pacemaker?
8. Study the following rhythms, identify the rhythm

Sample Solution

security was adapted by the gathered blend of old and new dangers because of satisfy the drawn out ignored command of the Assembled Country at its commencement in 1945 in journey to bring never-ending worldwide harmony. While the regional uprightness and power is the really referent article in the customary security, human security accepts a person as the vitally referent articles, hence, human security diverted to be the advances from atomic security to human security (UNDP; 1994: 22), as a matter of fact, the post-cold conflict was to demonstrate viability in bringing supportable harmony was to coordinate the tactical guard to statehood with government assistance frameworks, however all things considered, it was embraced with various types of dangers.

The idea of safety has for long been deciphered as far as stronghold of regional honesty from outside animosity, hence, targets safeguarding the public interest as opposed to guaranteeing wellbeing for the resident. As upheld by Tadjbakhsh and Chenoy (2007) that human security refute the subject of safety from customary origination of the wellbeing from military dangers to focus on security of individuals in networks (Tadjbakhsh and Chenoy 2007, 9). When this idea of safety is slanted towards individual, then idea of wellbeing to a condition past simple endurance to daily routine worth experiencing is accomplished, thus, human security dangers like neediness, infections, financial slump, initiated brutality on person that compromise the solidness of the state(ibid 2007: 9) would be examined and handled fittingly. Positively, viciousness that are non-regional exuding from ecological shortage, movement, cataclysmic events, pay disparity, and constant joblessness would be made due. In this way, human weakness comprise of dangers past military or customary security takes a chance with like financial dangers, individual security dangers natural dangers the effect of ecological dangers on individuals and political dangers that exudes from the states ( on the same page, 2007:14-16).

The idea of human security hypothesized because of the existed holes in the idea of conventional security idea, embraces everything as it characterize the weaknesses of a person.

What turned out to be so clear in the assortment of safety concentrates on right at the commencement of the Unified Countries is that, the virus war security strategy slanted towards public safety protesting the human security into ignored states, subsequently, we should comprehend the reason why human security idea was stirred from a little sounding drum to a major drum. As Tadjbakhsh and Chenoy (2007) focused on the defense for advancement of human security idea as first, to respond to many new inquiries brought up in the previous many years and besides, whether in scholarly field human security is a political plan (Tadjbakhsh and Chenoy 2007: 10). Actually, the finish of cold conflict ought to enjoy introduced worldwide harmony and soundness as globalization had guaranteed opened borders for stream of labor and products to help fast monetary development, innovation and development of capital into the states, yet it was fleeting. After diminished dangers of worldwide atomic conflict and major between state wars , non-military dangers extraordinarily heighten its commonness, which has been legitimate by the change in energized to worldwide climate came about into expanded attention to struggle inside states, ethnic showdowns, fear monger, movement and constrained dislodging outrageous destitution, underestimation and rejection of gatherings and local area (in the same place 2007: 12).

Not just that, globalization wave prompted reduction of room, time and shrinking of boundaries limitation also. The declined in geological distance and mechanical expanded speeded different exchange of labor and products on the worldwide scale. Ultimately, this free development of labor and products came about I

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