Pentose phosphate pathway

The first part of the poster project is to create an over view of carbohydrate metabolism, citrate cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. We will use the liver cell as a prototype, and we assume it can carry out almost every reaction. There are exceptions of course, animals don’t have the enzymes to carry out carbon fixation.

To start, draw a large cell (which has a phospholipid bilayer), and include a mitochondrium. You will need endoplasmic reticulum as well, since one reaction of gluconeogenesis happens there. Mitochondria have a double membrane, the outer membrane is permeable but and the inner membrane is not, so you will need to include transporter proteins.

Draw the pathways into the correct compartment, including structures and enzymes, and make connections with metabolites in the other compartments. Make sure not to duplicate pathways inside the same compartment, goal is to integrate the metabolic routes.

We will work with groups of 4, only 1 submission per group. Due on February 25.

Routes to be included: (but you only need to do number 3)

glycogen synthesis/breakdown
pentose phosphate pathway
citrate cycle
oxidate phosphorylation
It is better not to cut and paste structures from internet, instead draw the structures and pathways by hand or on iPad/tablet with a stylus.

Moreover, operators always seek for new techniques to extend the economic lives of the reservoir also a safe way to solve various challenges connected to aging well, where Weatherford Company offers all the Innovative technology and high quality services to confront these challenges.
Weatherford Provides different services in drilling and formation evaluation, well construction, completion and stimulation, also production.
To begin with drilling services and formation evaluation, which contain different categories, for example laboratory services, reservoir solutions, surface logging system, and wireline services.
Having considered the services provided by the company, it is also reasonable to look at the different categories and their definitions, start with the first category laboratory services.
Weatherford laboratories deliver a set of basic core analysis services with a whole necessity test required to help the costumer more in improving reservoir estimates, recover their reservoir forming, also identify and correct any damage to the formation of the reservoir.

Moreover the advanced tests provided by the Weatherford labs are particularly designed to evaluate different properties such as Petrophysics, Fluid Flow Properties, Rock Mechanics, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and others.
The second category is about reservoir solutions, this category generally discuss about the oilfield challenges and the solution that the company offer to the clients for several difficulties that the operators faced.
Coming to third category surface logging system, is mostly talking about the extraction of fluids from the underground and determining the amount of sufficient gases present in the reservoir by means of specific measurements and Techniques. Inadequate fluid extraction or using unsuitable devices can cause an error in the measurements also reduce the accuracy of the analysis.

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