People who live on the edge of small lakes



1. People who live on the edge of small lakes sometimes have break walls constructed on their property by the shore. A break wall is typically a vertical column of wood or concrete that prevents high water levels from covering part of the owner’s property, reducing the size of the beach, and/or eroding the yard. However, several communities have restricted property owners from building break walls. Can you think of a reason for that? Hint: Think about potential externalities of building a break wall.


2. When are quantity restrictions not the same as price restrictions (via taxes)? Describe one situation in which the government would be better off imposing quantity restrictions than setting a tax, and explain why quantity restrictions are better in that case.

3. Suppose someone says that a relatively small percentage of Americans own a large percentage of total assets and that therefore the government should redistribute wealth to those less fortunate. Which part of that statement is normative and which part is positive, if any? Explain.



Sample Solution

Recruitment and selection in particular, provide the window through which organizations gain access to willing and able human resources, the same way as job applicants gain access to the organizations of their choice. On the other hand, training provides the avenue by which organizations develop and harness talents for strategic purposes and in the same manner by which human resources learn and enhance skills and capabilities for personal growth and development. Essentially, both the organization and the employees benefit from these processes. In this regard, this essay seeks to discuss how organizations and employees see recruitment and selection and training. More specifically, this essay aims to examine and explain how useful these processes are from the perspective of the individual employee and the organization.

From the organization’s point of view, recruitment and selection are vital tools in attracting and gaining access to the best talents in the labor market. It should be noted that the ability of the organization to compete in the market depends largely on its workforce, as the workforces are: sources of ideas and concepts that form the foundation in creating new products and services; the hands that work to create new and innovative products and services; and also the organization’s emissary to the customers and other external partners. Given the strategic role of the workforces in developing competitive advantage, organizations today are not only competing in the product market but as well as in the labor market (Bartlett and Choshal 2002). According to Bartlett and Choshal (2002), organizations have evolved in a manner by which the human resources have been viewed as strategic resources that are central in developing competitive advantage. In view of the increasing competition in the labor market, organizations rely in large part on the human resource function to do the part and this is when recruitment a

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