Performance Based Project 6 – The Learning Environment




Component 1:

You will explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for the age and subject you intend to teach in a 3 – 5 page original paper (12 point font, double spaced) The paper should be professionally written and typed using correct grammar and spelling. Use the response template, Download response template to respond to each question.

How do you create and maintain a mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively engaged learners? Include how you respond to student needs and incorporate student strengths and personal experiences.
What strategies will you use to build relationships with your students?
How will you physically organize the classroom to ensure flexibility and accommodate the learning needs of all students including those with disabilities? Consider things such as the three zones of proximity and furniture.
Explain how your behavior management plan (see below) supports this vision.
Support the strategies you choose with research. For example, you could say something like “According to the work of Dr. I.M. Authority, primary students need structure to feel secure. Therefore, our day will be structured in the following ways…” Please note that you will not pass the project if you do not properly cite your research. You can use any recognized style format (APA, MLA, Chigago) with which you are comfortable.

Component 2:

After fully explaining the environment you wish to create you will consider how you will accomplish this. You will create a behavior management plan using the template provided. Your behavior management system should help create and maintain the environment explained in the paper. The behavior management plan must include the following:

Three to five positively worded rules that you can consistently enforce.
Expectations (3 – 5) that encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and instill a culture of individual and group accountability.
Procedures for at least 3 common classroom tasks (Examples: handing back graded work, turning in make-up work, handing out materials, going to lunch, sharpening a pencil, etc.) Once you are teaching you will have more than 3. These should be fully explained and able to be followed by the target age group. Include the expectations for student behavior.

Sample Solution

Performance Based Project 6 – The Learning Environment

Mutual respect in the classroom encompasses more than the interaction between students and the teacher. An atmosphere of mutual respect means that students also treat each other properly. The result is a classroom where more learning takes place as students feel safe, motivated and, of course, respected. Achieving this atmosphere takes considerable effort on the part of the teacher as well as the students. Once established, however, students will usually work to maintain the positive classroom environment. One way to do that is to establish clear classroom expectations from the first day of school. Post your classroom rules and procedures on the wall where they are clearly visible. Students will be expected to respect you, each other, themselves, their work and property.

xt literary piece Is a poem called “Titanic” written by poet David R. Slavitt in 1983. The setting of this poem takes place on a ship called the Titanic in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The setting for this is important because this is the spot where the most famous ship will lie on the ocean floor for over a hundred years to come. This setting plays a major role on the tone as well as the theme of this poem. The tone is overall happy and celebratory even though its about the one inescapable fate every living creature will endure, you can see this in the very first line of the poem “Who does not love the Titanic” (page 371) This poems theme is that since death is inevitable it would be better to not face it alone and face it with friends and to go down in history instead of just dying a mundane death alone that no one will hear about. “There will be the books and movies to remind our grandchildren who we were and how we died, and give them a good cry” (page 371). The poet also helps to enforce the poems tone as happy and celebratory as well as enforcing the idea that since everyone needs to die its much better to do it together by saying “To go down … We all go down, mostly alone. But with crowds of people, friends, servants, well fed, with music, with lights! Ah!” (page 371) The poet also believes that knowing you’re not alone in the moment of death would also be a comforting feeling “The cries on all sides must be a comfort” (page 371) Normally when people talk or write about the Titanic it is usually depressing and sad but the way the poet portrayed the Titanic in this poem made it actually seem enticing to board the ship even though you know how it ends. The way the poet describes the atmosphere on board the ship is high spirits surrounded by happy people eating and dancing living life to the fullest.

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