Personal and Professional Leadership Development


Break Down Structure:
Part 1 Introduction:
– Inclusion of Key Quote from Rath, T., & Conchie, B’s Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow. “Your Dreams of Tomorrow are alive in your mind today” (circling back to my first presentation and the continuous impact it’s had on my personal and professional outlook.
Part 2 Strengths Based Leadership Assessment:
– Based on Gallup’s assessment, my top strengths consist of Strategic, Maximizer, Futuristic, Significance, and Command. I will implement the following strengths in the following ways.
– Strategic (Focusing on professional goals): Quick Thinking, having the ability to asses a situation/idea and come up with a swift solution. Also having the ability to sort through the clutter and find the most efficient option all while avoiding obstacles. This strength is equally beneficial for both the creative and logical thinker, I consider myself to be both.
– Maximizer (Focusing on Professional and Personal Goals): This is a strong strength because I think it correlates greatly to people with a naturally competitive edge. My goal with every project, presentation, and competition is to be the absolute best (in my own way). I know my strengths (typically visual and creative) and use it to my advantage. I know for a fact that I won’t ever be the most analytical and perhaps (book smart) person in the room, but I know for a fact that I will always make an impression creatively (whether it’s with graphic design, creative writing, outlandish ideas, and even so much as to what I’m wearing). I refuse to not be the best at my craft.
– Futuristic (Also focusing on professional and personal goals) This specific strength is personal to me in the sense that I always find myself dreaming of the future whether in regards to my ambitions of having my own horror production company for film/tv financing, or the creation of a sustainable house in isolated in the middle of the woods. My imagination has no bounds. I believe that the futurist and maximizer strengths go hand in hand. One being the development phase and the second being the action phase. I am the director of my own future and I plan on making it a box office hit.
– Significance (professional and personal goals) The goal behind this strength is to recognized, to be heard, and to stand out. I wouldn’t say this is a selfish strength but actually reflects the opposite. While I myself want to be deemed credible, I also want to surround myself with likeminded people. I want my career to be a way of life rather than a “job”, and I want to inspire others to feel the same way.
– Command (Professional and Personal Goals). This strength is important because there are two types of people in this world, those who listen and those lead. In life I want to take to risks, I want to create results. Out of all the strengths selected for me this one might be the most controversial in the sense that there are an array of negative connotations attached to this role. People can see you as harsh in the sense that sometimes you have to face the facts and deal with unpleasant obstacles in order to move forward. This is going to be tricky specifically being a woman in business. Unfortunately, there is a double standard in this world when it comes to women and men in a position of power, and would certainly rather be respected than feared especially when it comes to making tough decisions.
Part 3: The Leadership Challenge
– Modeling the Way:
o CLARIFY VALUES (Understanding your Values (Loyalty, Honesty, Collaboration), Express in your own words and using your voice, Affirming Shared Values (knowing your own values as well as determining organizational values))
o SET THE EXAMPLE: Live the shared values (Actions speak louder than views) Teach others to model the values (align words and deeds at all levels of the org)
– Inspire a Shared Vision:
o ENVISION THE FUTURE: Imagining possibilities (leaders are forward thinking and have a gut sense) Find a Common Purpose (Involving your people in the vision development process/ finding a vision that shares a fulfilled purpose)
o ENLIST OTHERS Appealing to common ideals (helping others to see how their ideals are aligned with yours) Relating to what’s meaningful, make it special, and align your vision with people’s dreams. Animate your vision
– Challenge the Process:
o Searching for opportunities as well as exploring and taking risks
Part 4: Creating a Plan
– How I will implement these ideas into my own professional and personal goals
Part 5 Conclusion/Closing Statements

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