Personal essay for pharmacy application


Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.
Do not personalize your essay for a particular pharmacy degree institution. You cannot make any edits to your Personal Essay after you have e-submitted your completed application to PharmCAS.
You are encouraged to compose your essay in a text-only word processor (e.g., Notepad), review your essay for errors, then cut and paste the final version into the text box above. Click the Save button and then return to the Personal Essay to review the formatting of your text. You are limited to approximately 1 page (4500 characters, including spaces). Some formatting characters used in programs like Word (angled quotes, accents, special characters) will not display properly. Take care to review your final text and to make the necessary corrections to the format.
Each pharmacy school reserves the right to require additional essay responses as part of the supplemental application process. Please be aware that your admission essay will undergo a textual similarity review with iThenticate/Turnitin for Admissions for the detection of plagiarism and other potential violations of the applicant code of conduct. All submitted essays and other materials will be included as source documents in the iThenticate/Turnitin for Admissions reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such documents.



Sample Solution

I chose to pursue a career in pharmacy because I want to make a positive difference in people’s lives by providing them with the medications they need. As an aspiring pharmacist, I am passionate about helping patients understand how their medications work and educating them on any potential risks or side effects. By doing so, I believe that I can help improve overall public health and ensure that everyone has access to safe and effective medication.

In order to reach my goals, obtaining a Doctor of Pharmacy degree is essential. This degree will give me the knowledge and skills necessary to practice as a pharmacist while also providing me with the opportunity to become part of a larger healthcare team which is increasingly important in today’s healthcare system (Murphy et al., 2018). Moreover, this degree will prepare me for various areas within pharmacy such as clinical research or pharmaceutical industry careers (Ascher & Rittenberg, 2017). Ultimately, earning my Doctor of Pharmacy degree will enable me to provide high quality patient care while being at the forefront of advances in pharmacology and medicine.

regards to the osmosis of pieces into lumps. Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the differentiation being that a piece is comprised of various pieces of data. It is fascinating regards to the osmosis of pieces into lumps. Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the differentiation being that a piece is comprised of various pieces of data. It is fascinating to take note of that while there is a limited ability to recall lumps of data, how much pieces in every one of those lumps can change broadly (Miller, 1956). Anyway it’s anything but a straightforward instance of having the memorable option huge pieces right away, somewhat that as each piece turns out to be more natural, it very well may be acclimatized into a lump, which is then recollected itself. Recoding is the interaction by which individual pieces are ‘recoded’ and allocated to lumps. Consequently the ends that can be drawn from Miller’s unique work is that, while there is an acknowledged breaking point to the quantity of pi

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