Personal information about customers



Personal information about customers is collected, used, disclosed, and maintained only in compliance with internal policies and external regulatory requirements and is protected from unauthorized disclosure. With reference to Privacy Concern how would you deal with SPAM and Identify Theft problem of your business organization?

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Personal information about customers

Consumers are more connected these days. They are spending more time online and sharing more information than before. Personal information that is misused, mishandled, or inadequately protected can result to identity theft, financial fraud, and other problems that can cost a fortune to repair. Business identity thieves and fraudsters are clever and determined, and can quickly take advantage of business owners that do not take basic precautions to protect their business. There are some proactive actions that you and your employees can take to help prevent your business identity information from being used by criminals to steal from you or commit fraud in your name: review your commercial/business banking agreements, enact security and authentication controls to protect against fraudulent wire transfers and electronic transactions, and keep all documents containing business information or business identifiers in a safe, secure location not accessible by unauthorized persons.


The impact of New Media on traditional diplomacy is largely focused on the change from a “one to one approach”, to a “one to many approach”. Traditional Diplomacy relied on communication between Diplomats and Heads of State, with much of the negotiation obscured from public view. (Stasavage 2004) Before the advent of the internet and social media platforms; Radio, Newspapers were the main forms of distributive media available to the general public. As such, Diplomacy was very much a one-way street between the State and the Public. (Chomsky and Herman 1994) New Media outlets, such as Twitter, have changed the way in which Diplomats correspond with one another.

The case of an incident involving a US patrol vessel wandering into Iranian waters subsequently leading to the arrest of the US crew; is an example of how Traditional Diplomacy combined with Twitter, facilitated efficient conflict resolution and the rapid release of the US seamen. (Duncombe 2017) The incident saw exchanges between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, over Twitter. Firstly, the use of Twitter meant that the exchange took place with a public audience. Furthermore, the instantaneous nature of New Media meant that the time lag between exchanges was significantly reduced. (Duncombe 2017) These 2 factors significantly changed the way in which Diplomats had to carry themselves while communicating with one another, while simultaneously speeding up the process of negotiation. The public audience aspect of this example highlights the importance of image. (Duncombe 2017) Both Iranian and US Diplomats wanted to present themselves as reasonable and independent to the public audience. This combined with the demands for a shorter response time online, meant that respective sides had less time to

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