Personal training



Peter is a 28-year-old civil servant with a 9-to-5 desk job. He is 6’4″ tall and weighs 252 lb. He played football and basketball in high school and some intramural sports in college, but has not worked out or been very active since. His diet is sporadic and consists of mostly processed and prepackaged foods that are quick and easy to prepare. Peter’s goals are to lose weight, tone his body, and lead a healthier lifestyle. Based on Peter’s current lifestyle and existing exercise and nutrition habits, design a 12-week progressive training program to help him best achieve his goals.




Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training programs as this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.



A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process. (Unit 12)
Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the client’s needs .
Calculation of the client’s target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.
Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile .
A detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations. Use charts to illustrate the training program.
Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs.
Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.)
Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.


Sample Solution

U.S Treasury Secretary “Jacob J. Lew” is examining the instance of U.S administration in the International Monetary Funds as well as in the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. Christine Lagarde the IMF’s Director at the G-20 Summit in Turkey expressed that she was conversing with President military quarters Obama about Voting Shares to keep up the U.S Voting Voice. The issue was not from the U.S president yet was in the Legislations that was being held at the Congress. The enactments were to verify U.S initiative in the basic leadership of the IMF so as to verify the prosperity of the American’s and to have progressively fruitful international strategies. In seven decades the IMF together with the United States had the option to accomplish Quadrupled Real Income/Capita just as increasing the Expectations of living for in excess of billion individuals in the United States as well as in North America as entire, Eastern Asia and Western Europe.

The primary objective of the G-20 Summit just as G-7 Summit lead by the US basic leadership was to accomplish worldwide Economic Development and to counteract Financial Crimes and the subsidizing of fear based oppressor gatherings. Without the U.S authority and the IMF support, International Economic Co-activity would have been outlandish uniquely during the Cold war. In 2007-2008 Economic Crisis without the IMF and US initiative in Economics the world would have experienced melancholy as well as a downturn like in 1930’s. The G-20 Summit have settled on concurrence with most partners from japan and China to the Eurozone so as to co-work and make useful Macroeconomic approaches.

The IMF had an extraordinary job in emergency assuaging, for example, changing Ukraine’s legislature with 17B $ and Ebola Epidemic is western Africa. Without the commitment of the United States together with the International Monetary Fund’s emergency support wouldn’t have been the equivalent. the US initiative in the IMF has upheld its capacity to apply monetary and money related authorizes in a remarkable alliance to put pressure on nations, for example, Iran and North Korea so as to let them stop their atomic viciousness, this system is as per the idea of correspondence in the International Relations. Likewise the US as a solid financial power, with Quarter the world GDP (17$ Trillion) has the responsibility for worldwide save resources. Jacob J. Lew is communicating why since he has been the U.S treasury secretary has been holding banters with both just and republicans to enact congressional changes in order to keep up worldwide manageability and administration. The G-20 Summit was tending to worldwide powerless interest and every nation’s job in restoring there Monetary, Fiscal and Structural approaches to guarantee worldwide money related soundness. The significance of the congressional changes is to guarantee the authority in light of the fact that the U.S dollar goes about as the world’s save money.

The United States began with its residential Agenda by improving the US central bank money related strategies and on the opposite side the president together with the congress were transforming their financial arrangements by modifying the administration consumption and applying finance tax reductions which prompted development of the U.S Private Sector and the recovery of 14 Million employments in 72 months. Consenting to worldwide exchange arrangements has helped the central bank to battle the out of line cash rehearses. The worldwide Agenda of the U.S was to improve the administration and modernize the IMF’s framework so as to have the option to advance in the difficulties and have the option to have a voice in the worldwide total Demand and worldwide trade rates. The U.S isn’t just working with regards to the IMF yet in addition the World Bank and the International Trade Organization to help comprehensive manageable development. This development is upheld by making Sufficient assets accessible together with successful arrangements and effective Governance. As indicated by the UN the Sustainable development is to have Food security, advancement in the framework, Education and medicinal services. Likewise, the Sustainability must incorporate the Ability to manage despondency, downturn and cataclysmic events. Development is a key job in the modernization of the worldwide exchanging frameworks. The most significant exchange accomplices whom influence the world’s economy are China and the U.S on the grounds that they secure portion of the worldwide GDP. This previous year the reauthorization of Import-Export banks has assumed a significant job in controlling the oil costs and constraining psychological oppression.

The Thesis behind this article is that the writer is expressing the significance of the U.S initiative in the IMF and the WB. Just as its significance in the basic leadership. The U.S assumes a significant job in the emergency and states advancement through making approaches that is commonly focal points to all on-screen characters.

The Sources that has helped the creator is that the creator himself is the secretary of the central bank. Additionally, the data is bolstered by the US outside issues office, Congress and by Barack Obama Administration.

The sources have helped the creator is sealing how significant is the U.S in the IMF and the WB, additionally how it can impact the basic leadership to be better just as the exactness of the choices to be powerful.

The Organization of the paper is successful in light of the fact that it began by a discussion between Barack Obama and Christine Lagarde at the G-20 Summit and how it was significant that the U.S must keep the Voting Power then the Author began clarifying why is it so essential to keep the administration in the World Economic circumstance.

The sources were satisfactory is it was from sound sources and furthermore the writer himself being the U.S Secretary of treasury has upheld the proposal and have explained numerous results of the article.

The creator hasn’t added any diagrams or graphs to explain more subtleties, moreover it would have been useful to explain more data in numbers as he talks about additional into total terms.

The end is that U.S had a significant job in the universal financial aspects since the cool war by supporting emergency alleviate choices, impacting sanctions on the individuals who constructed atomic weapons to advance harmony, supporting nations with money related emergency and aiding in increasing the worldwide expectations of living.

As I would like to think, the U.S.A is putting forth a valiant effort to maintain its authority in control to control the world financial aspects. Likewise, keeping its Uni-extremity is its fundamental objective uncommonly after the knowledge organization reports of losing its Uni-extremity in the following 20-25 years. The world is currently contending on the economy more than the military. The BRICS nations are concentrating on the economy which began to give them universal power and acknowledgment. Moreover, the U.S isn’t affecting emergency help however really the UAE is the genuine emergency alleviation body which acts quickly in emergency.



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